Address: Chennai, Tamil Nadu | Website: |
I have raised a complaint related to my docomo postpaid billing in the customer care through telephonic call and email. My complaint mail as follows "i have received a message from docomo on 6th feb 2017 with the content "hi! You have 2 gb data per month bundled with your current bill plan. Continue enjoying this data on your mobile [protected]. Thank you!"
After that my number has been blocked for the reason of exceeding the credit limit. The outgoing facility has been blocked on 19th feb. Immediately i called customer care and reposted the issue. They asked me to mail the content with received text message (From td-docomo) screenshot to [protected]
I raised a complaint with customer care (Complaint number :[protected]. The next day i got a call from customer care, i attended the call at the other end no response from the customer care executive. Still now i didn't any response on my complaint.
Now somebody calling me and threatening me to pay the bill. I called customer care and reported the same, they told me like my complaint is in the processing status, the resolution date will be june 18th 2017.
Tata docomo not giving any respect to customer. Very poor service from docomo.
Note: i have attached the screen shot of text message received from docomo.
Kindly take the necessary action on the same asap.
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