Address: 600119 | Website: |
As per my friend`s request i have submit a complaint against mr. Elumalai, whos working as supervisor for regulating cabs facility to tech mahindra employees, but he is in the position to provide trips to his owned vehicles at top priority first... And grab some bribes from some of the drivers and give some frequent trips to them... So he earned money from corrupted way... Some of the driver not ready to offer bribe, like my friend. So mr. Elumalai wont give the basic trips to the drivers whose dont give bribe... He revenge them by reducing their trips... Probably some of the drivers cant able to earn the correct numbers of their monthly income... So much of hurdles is there for drivers and owner cum drivers... Like fc, emi, fuel, food, vehicle unexpected spends... How they manage their expense with this much of earning... With reason of like mr. Elumalai...
1. Mr. Elumalai have his own vehicles in tech mahindra,
2. He earning huge money from bribes.
3. He shows partiality among the drivers depends their bribe.
4. Tech mahindra is one of the reputed concern, please do something to avoiding this much of complaints from cab drivers... Because drivers also human being...
Do the need.
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