Address: Santhosh Zakarias 9821606250 |
Kindly consider this as a suggestion instead of as a complaint.
It is high time to get a computerized TCR (Traffic Control Room) for TMT at SATIS (Station Area Traffic Improvement System). Most of the time buses has to wait about 3 to 5 min for allotment from Traffic controller for the next rout. Buses have to wait in queue as there is space limitations at entrance and approach road. The bus in back end of the queue will have a waiting time same as the sum waiting time of all other buses ahead. Some time this is affecting the whole Thane traffic.
This can be avoided and TMT cam ply more trips by computerising the control room. Controller gets the message from bus before it reaches the SATIS, about 200 metres away. Controller can alot the next rout of the bus with a click and same will send to the bus as message. Bus can come directly to the respective bus stop and all the idle time can be minimised. Same thing can reflect in the indicater at each bus stop too. It will immensely benefit passengers and TMT. So kindly do something for implementing this ASAP. Was this information helpful? |
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