Union Bank Of India — misbehave / false allegation

Address: 125055

I, jitin goyal s/o. Sh. Kailash goyal advocate, is doing business in name of satyam enterprises. Located at rori gate, scoutt chowk, sirsa 125055 haryana.

And we holds current account in name of satyam enterprises, saving bank accounts in my name and in name of my family members, loan accounts also in my name in union bank of india, sirsa main branch from a very long period and we apr performing a fair & legal bank transactions and holds a good financial goodwill and also holds sound goodwill in business market and in the society.

Sir, during the demonetisation period one of the staff members misbehaved and used abused words to me and my father in the bank branch, in support i give written complaint against the misbehave / to the bank manager mr. Sun khusre, (Complaint letter dated : 21.11.2016) and he assured me to solve the matter on basis of priority.

But regret to say that the matter was unsolved, and in support, i asked bank manager for the solution with the support of rti act, vide registration no : rochandigarh/r/2016/00004 registration date : 29/11/2016 01:22:59 pm. But regret to say that thye bank staff threatned me with the help of an un identified person to withdraw the complaint and rti application else the result will be negative, then i informed police department regarding the threatning calls received by me to widthdraw the complaint and rti apllication.

Sir, one of the senior bank official of the bank branch tried to solve and compromise the matter but he failed to do so, and he felt guilty on behalf of bank staff who done a mistake.

After that the same bank staff directly / indirectly misbehave, creating problem, with me and my father in banking. And we are facing unnecessary harrashments in the union bank of india bank, sirsa branch.

Sir, you can verify the facts of the staff member: madam amruta from the former bank manager: sh. Susheel kalia ji, what kind of behaviour she performs with the bank consumers.

Due to regular harashment, i again filed a rti application seeking information / solution on my previous submitted complaints, on 08.08.2017. The rti application was sent by me with the help of india post service.

But, i received a phone call on my mobile no.[protected] from santosh kumar, manager union bank of india from the bank official landline phone no[protected] on 14.08.2017 time : 02.00 pm he asked me to meet him in his office just now, then i approached bank branch at 02.18 pm, but bank door was locked, then i re dial on the same number of the bank and the phone received said me that this is now the lunch time, and advised me to come at 03.00 pm, then i returend back to my office, and then again i received a phone call gain from the bank official landline no.[protected], at 02.47 pm. And asked me that you can come now. And meet bank manager santosh kumar without any delay.

Sir, i approached alone in the bank branch to meet bank branch manager: - mr. Santosh kumar : there all bank staff was present in the cabin of manager, except 2-3 members :
Bank manager started speaking in तेज़ आवाज़ में, तेरी हिम्मत कैसे हुई ये कंप्लेंट करने की, और ये rti application लगाने की,.
He also threatned me to see me and my father and bank manager used abused words (गंदी गाली गलौच की) with me and for my father.
Also he blamed that i am involved in fake currency notes business and also forced bank staff to deposit black money in third party account during demonetisation period and he is recommending for vigilance enquiry against me and my father. (Sir, the ellegation imposed by the bank manager and bank staff is totally baseless and false ellegation)

मान्यवर, बॅंक मॅनेजर ने मुझे डराया और धमकाया की अगर मैने ये कंप्लेंट and rti application वापिस नही ली तो मुझे गंभीर परिणाम भुगतने पड़ेंगे., तू और तेरा बाप जो क़ानून दिखा रहे हो, उसी में तेरे और तेरे बाप को दफ़ना देंगे. किसी को पता भी नही चलेगा - और मुझसे ज़बरदस्ती एक कोरे काग़ज़ पर मुझसे कंप्लेंट वापस लेने का लेटर साइन करवा लिया. तू और तेरा बाप जो क़ानून दिखा रहे हो, उसी में तेरे और तेरे बाप को दफ़ना देंगे. किसी को पता भी नही चलेगा. और बॅंक मॅनेजर ने मुझ पर बॅंक परिसर में ज़बरदस्ती. 2 घंटे तक मुज पर दबाब बनाया जो सरासर क़ानूनन ग़लत है.

(Bank cctv camera footage, will show every thing)

मान्यवर ऐसे किसी नागरिक का क़ानूनी आधिकार का बॅंक मॅनेजर द्वारा गला दबाना, कौन से क़ानून में दर्शाया गया है.

मान्यवर, मैं बॅंक मॅनेजर द्वारा किए गये इस प्रकार का कृत्या से सदमे में हूँ और मैं अपने आप को अपमानित महसूस कर रहा हूँ. और अगर इस कारण मुझे कुछ हो जाता है तो इसकी पूर्णा ज़िम्मेदारी बॅंक मॅनेजर संतोष कुमार की होगी.

So, i request you to please conduct a proper investigation in this matter in favour of justice.

Bank manager also thretened me that if i did not withdraw the complaint and rti apllication, he will kill me and my father, he also said that he is from gorakhpur (Uttar pradesh) and he can do.

Bank mager santosh kumar is a criminal minded person and union bank is supporting him. Besides a proper enquiry
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