Address: New Delhi, Delhi, 110024 |
Dear sir,
Sub: wrongly dishonour of cheques due to insufficient funds, by you, as per details:
1). Cheque no:097012dt.06042017 for rs67, 400/- from a/c
No: [protected] in the name of lisa suri.
2). Cheque no:092917dt.06042017 for rs67, 400/- from a/c
No:[protected] in the name of taran suri.
This is in reference to the talks we had with you.
As per your records dt. 03042017 there has been sufficient amount to the credit of the above two accounts, yet the above two cheques when
Presented, were dishonoured due to insufficient funds.
This has brought a lot of inconvenience and mental tension, plus loss of reputation to us.
You have also dabited the above two accounts with rs.230/- each (Totalrs460).
More over the school has imposed bank charges and late fee amount of rs 500/each account (Totalrs 1000/-).
We have suffered a financial loss of rs 460+1000=1460 on the above cheques.
Kindly reimburse 230+500=730 each in the above two accounts and confirm.
Also, how do you propose to compensate us for the inconvenience, mantel tension and loss of reputation.
Kindly confirm,
Dhruv suri
U/g of both lisa suri&taran suri
Narindersuri new-delhi-india
Suri narinder
Narinder suri,
Narinder suri,
May 15 at 3:30 pm
Sub;wrongly dishonour of two cheques by you. My complaint dt 26th. April, 2017 to your
Bank at union bank of india lajpat nagar - ii, new delhi-110024. (Both personelly and by mail to them)
Dear sir,
I invite your attention to my complaint as mentioned in the mail as above. I regert no reply and no answer has been received by us till date (After more then 15 days.)
Kindly take up the metter urgently and solve the problem and credit the amount,
You have wrongly debited to our accounts. Plus other charges mentioned in the mail. And personelly mentioned to your bank at lajpat nagar-ii.
I am your old customer and i am sure you will not disappoint me in this regard.
Dhruv suri
Narinder suri
Narindersuri nnew-delhi-india
Show original message
Suri narinder
May 15 at 3:31 pm
Sub;wrongly dishonour of two cheques by you. My complaint dt 26th. April, 2017 to your
Bank at union bank of india lajpat nagar - ii, new delhi-110024. (Both personelly and by mail to them)
Dear sir,
I invite your attention to my complaint as mentioned in the mail as above. I regert no reply and no answer has been received by us till date (After more then 15 days.)
Kindly take up the metter urgently and solve the problem and credit the amount,
You have wrongly debited to our accounts. Plus other charges mentioned in the mail. And personelly mentioned to your bank at lajpat nagar-ii.
I am your old customer and i am sure you will not disappoint me in this regard.
Dhruv suri
Narinder suri
Narindersuri nnew-delhi-india
On wed apr 26 2017 15:34:34 gmt+0530 (India standard time), suri narinder wrote:
=dear sir,
Sub: wrongly dishonour of cheques due to insufficient funds, by you, as per details:
1). Cheque no:097012dt.06042017 for rs67, 400/- from a/c
No: [protected] in the name of lisa suri.
2). Cheque no:092917dt.06042017 for rs67, 400/- from a/c
No:[protected] in the name of taran suri.
This is in reference to the talks we had with you.
As per your records dt. 03042017 there has been sufficient amount to the credit of the above two accounts, yet the above two cheques when
Presented, were dishonoured due to insufficient funds.
This has brought a lot of inconvenience and mental tension, plus loss of reputation to us.
You have also dabited the above two accounts with rs.230/- each (Totalrs460).
More over the school has imposed bank charges and late fee amount of rs 500/each account (Totalrs 1000/-).
We have suffered a financial loss of rs 460+1000=1460 on the above cheques.
Kindly reimburse 230+500=730 each in the above two accounts and confirm.
Also, how do you propose to compensate us for the inconvenience, mantel tension and loss of reputation.
Kindly confirm,
Dhruv suri
U/g of both lisa suri&taran suri
Narindersuri new-delhi-india
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