Myself Alankar Gupta F/O Nitya Gupta Reg no 10P22001243 of VMC classes student of Class XII.VMC is charging fee from my ward for offline classes whereas classes are being conducted online. Not even a single offline class has been conducted by VMC. Till june 2021 I paid INR 171288.00 as fees for two year course. Now they called me for remaining fee, then I requested them to convert this course in online mode, Fee of online classes is much lower than what I am paying .I have paid more than double of online classes. But VMC people just stop all the links of classes from very next day, Is this justified? Is corona penidemic is only for VMC, not for parents or students ? This is a clear example of cheating and GUNDAGARDI of VMC. I request VMC to refund money to me immediately or convert the course in online mode.
Thank you
Alankar Gupta
F/O Nitya Gupta
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