No action till now against my earlier complain lodged vide id:-2479400 dt 11.10.19
Amazon issued my refund money of Rs.1099, on 25/10/19
It should have came in my account in 4-5 business days, as said by amazon.
But it's been 7 days now, refund has not been done yet.
Please, chexk on this.
Refund Reference # 0R9X0LO90000K0OCREO9 (given by Amazon)
Brach: ponda
It should have came in my account in 4-5 business days, as said by amazon.
But it's been 7 days now, refund has not been done yet.
Please, chexk on this.
Refund Reference # 0R9X0LO90000K0OCREO9 (given by Amazon)
Brach: ponda
I would use online transaction in phone pe the transaction was cancelled but money can debited to my account please see my complaint fast and resolve quickly
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