I don't get get otp even though i registered my phone number in the branch
I can't upload my id details in paytm while i'm trying to do that it shows that u have reached maximum id verification attempts for the day.I tried next day and it took a while for loading and when i retried it i shows the same message your attempts completed for the day...
My money got deducted from my vijiya bank debit card while I was adding money in my paytm wallet unfortunately the money wasn't added and deducted kindly reserve rs 20 to my bank account again..
My upi reference number[protected].please Vijaya bank can solely initated the wrong credit chargeback for my Amount reversal as soon as possible.
My account no is [protected]
Manojit maity
Past 2 week from my paytm app the set ice is not reachable why.
Manojit maity
Past 2 week from my paytm app the set ice is not reachable why.
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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I am not having debit card also it's not necessary for me. You deducted RS -345+annual charge RS -118 from my account.
Kindly recredit RS-463 to my account immediately