I am 23 years old and I got a message from this number provided online jobs from work solutions jobs On 8th December, 2022I received a text on Whtsapp with no.[protected] who asked me to register for the job telling telling that salary is around 12.5k rupees and I hv to fill 500 resumes within 6 days with 90% accuracy failing which, I hv to pay them ₹7080. I registered myself by providing my voter id details It was then that they send me a agreement and company guidelines where it was mentioned that I am enrolled for the job for 1 months but I was not able to submit work with in 6 days .I googled about this company and actually found out that this has happened to a lot of people and this company is a fraud. Now they are harrasing me and asking me for money ( I have paid 7080 rupees now and they asking further money to cancel agreement or else they will take a legal notice and saying complaint registered in Surat court, Gujarat plz help!!
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