Raising this issue due to repeated bad experience and pathetic support given by yulu. There was many instances where bike stops suddenly. If we end the ride in the app due to this they will charge fine. Even though yulu is culprit here they are fining customer. When raising the issue to customer support they simply ask to park in yulu zone. This is absurd and illogical since the bike abruptly stops and its not possible to park the bike in yulu zone. The next issue is the company will purposefully hold releasing the refund amount. Even though the company is liable to refund any additional charge or fine without any notice or request from customer, the have made it their policy not to refund if request is not raised by the customer separately. The pathetic this is this even after raising the complaint the fails to do same in stipulated time. We have to continuously follow up for getting refund. These are unfair practices, and is practically cheating customers. They are taking advantage of refund time period as an excuse and repeated waiting period to forcefully make the customer to drop the request. All unethical and unfair practices. Raising this issue with utmost disappointment and disgust. Was this information helpful? |
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