Accenture — Candidature suddenly closed after clearing all the rounds

My candidate id is C9120650.
I received a call to get interviewed at Accenture on 1st March 2021. It was communicated by HR that After successful completion of digital interview (online test) 2 more interviews would be conducted.

I successfully cleared the digital interview after which I received confirmation mail and call from the HR that my 1st round has been cleared and 2nd round of interview has been scheduled.

I successfully cleared the technical round followed by managerial round on 3rd March 2021. After clearing all the interview rounds I received a confirmation mail and call from the HR stating that I need to upload the documents as the next step of the hiring process.
I even received one mail stating that they are accepting my candidature.
After uploading the documents suddenly I got a pop error message on the portal that my candidature is closed .
I didn’t receive any communication or mail regarding my candidature closure neither from HR nor from Accenture team.
I don’t understand what went wrong as I successfully cleared all the rounds and even CTC discussion was carried out with the HR.

This is very disheartening that big organisations like Accenture have loopholes in their recruitment process and the candidate has to face the repercussions of the mistakes done by their hiring team.
It is totally wastage of time and energy of the candidate who took the effort to clear all the rounds and still offer letter was rolled out neither any communication happened.

Please provide the resolution on the same.
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Accenture India customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Jun 28, 2021
Updated by
No actions taken by Accenture till now. I am eagerly waiting for their actions.


Candidate ID : C9542369

When I filled in EAF, suddenly popup came like your Candidature is closed..

I successfully cleared the digital interview after which I received confirmation mail and call from the HR.

I successfully cleared the technical round followed by HR round on 16 July 2021. After clearing all the interview rounds I received a confirmation mail and call from the HR stating that I need to upload the documents as the next step of the hiring process.
I even received one mail stating that I need to fill EAF to move forward..

I don’t understand what went wrong as I successfully cleared all the rounds and even CTC discussion was carried out with the HR.

This is very disheartening that big organisations like Accenture have loopholes in their recruitment process and the candidate has to face the repercussions of the mistakes done by their hiring team.
It is totally wastage of time and energy of the candidate who took the effort to clear all the rounds and still offer letter was rolled out neither any communication happened.

Please provide the resolution on the same.
Accenture please do the needful..
George Manu's reply, Sep 4, 2021
Hi.. Similar issue happened for me as well. Did you get any response?
My candidate id is C9115301.
On 17th of June, 2021, I gave my technical Interview and I cleared it successfully and on the same day I got an email stating that you have been moved to the HR round. And the next day I got a call from one of the HR and asked me all my details like Notice Period, Salary Expectation and Education Background etc and when I asked what are the next steps, I have been told that I will get a call from HR (Ujna) who coordinated my profile.

On the 24th of June in the afternoon,
I checked in the Accenture Recruitment portal, my status was as below.

"We regret to inform you that your credentials have not met our selection or verification criteria. We have closed your application and will not be going forward with your candidature."

May I know what went wrong? I have been trying to reach out the HRs but no one is responding.

Please provide the resolution on the same.

nandhu daru's reply, Jul 31, 2021
Hi did u get any update aftr this issue?
I am facing same issue
Any resolution?
George Manu's reply, Sep 4, 2021
Did you receive any response from Accenture
Hi All,

Same issue happened with me as well where After clearing technical round and submitting all the relevant docs, With in 2 hrs they have mentioned like candidature is closed without any reason. Which is not acceptable with this Reputed organization in INdia.
Forget about it and move on
Hi, this is my CID C7994063. I gave my interview on 26th July. After the interview I got an email stating that your interview is cleared and you are required to submit the EAF form and upload the supporting documents. When I logged into the Accenture carrier portal, I was able to submit the EAF form however, the upload link was not available for me. And, the status was changed to Candidature is closed. Right away I reched out to the HR. They told it seems to be a technical glitch and I need to connect with the support team and sort this out. On contacting support team, they told me they cannot help with this and I need to sort this out with HR. Since that day I am contacting HR on daily basis, which is of no help as they keep saying they will check and get back. After two weeks, finally on 9th August they told you are rejected. On questioning on what basis this decision was taken, they cut my call. The HR name was Madhu. What kind of behaviour is this. To me this seems to be a highly unprofessional behaviour. Specially we don't expect this from a firm like Accenture. After wasting candidate's time, they make them run behind them.
sk sinha 96's reply, Sep 8, 2021
Can I have that HR number... I'll get back to you with needful info..!
Alekhya P's reply, Feb 4, 2022
Do you get any information after closing application ?
This similar situation happened with me today ... Such a reputed MNC doing such cheap tactics... Why do they even post jobs i[censored] don't want to hire any which ways.
Hi all,

Similiar thing happened with me also. After clearing technical and HR round today I suddenly got pop-up on accenture that "We regret to inform you that your credentials have not met our selection or verification criteria. We have closed your application and will not be going forward with your candidature".
Kindly help me any one knows the reason.
Similar thing happened with me also.

Please check 2 attachments..I need strict action..

To me this seems to be a highly unprofessional behaviour. Specially we don't expect this from a firm like Accenture. After wasting candidate's time, they make them run behind them

After clearing Digital interview..I got below email:

Hi Pradeep Juyal,

Congratulations! Your profile(C5637244) has been shortlisted for the technical/skill assessment! Our recruitment team will contact you soon.

Haven’t filled the Employment Application Form (EAF) yet? Do it now. It will take 45–60 mins for you to fill up this form. Remember, you won’t be able to modify any information once you submit the EAF. Also, you’ll need to substantiate the information with supporting documentation. So, keep the following documents handy:

Identity Proof

a. PAN Card
b. Photo identity proof (Mandatory): Please share any one of the following: Passport copy, Driving License or Voters ID card
Educational Documents

a. Degree certificate or provisional certificate for the highest qualification
b. All semester marks card for the highest qualification
c. 12th marks sheet
d. 10th marks sheet
Employment documents

a. Offer letter from current/last employer
b. Compensation proof from the last company (Last three months’ pay slip/latest increment letter/promotion letter)
c. Relieving letter from the last two organizations, as applicable (relieving letter not be required, if currently employed)

Got a query? Please reach out to you recruiter at

Good luck!

Accenture Operations – India Recruitment

*** This is a system generated e-mail, please do not reply as it will not reach an Accenture mailbox.***

Same thing has happened to me today. Very disappointing attitude this is.
Candidate ID: C9376064,
Same thing is happened to me. It was really heartbreaking when you closed the canditure with out giving any specific reason.

Please even call or email the reasons for closing the canditure.
karthik ui's reply, Oct 14, 2021
CID: C10236991
Today same thing happen to me also. Any solution ?

Candidate ID - C10195051

I had given my technical interview on 11th of October and after clearing that I gave HR interview on the same day and also my CTC was finalized. Then they have contacted me for more than 2 weeks even after I tried multiple follow up mails . And today i saw in the portal that my candidature has been cancelled. This is literally pissing me off. This is unbelievable that such a big company like Accenture is doing such cheap tactics. It literally feels like I have wasted my time and energy and got such response from them.

Hello mine cid is C9276957 after discussing salary mine candidature was closed since 4 months I have been following Accenture that we can reapply after 6 months buts it's been more than 10 months. In April 2021 mine candidature was closed.i don't know whom to reach as mine profile is not removed I am not able to reapply even using new email phone no as name and DOB is should be unique and every time getting error we have your profile in database and u are rejected. Why Accenture is not having any proper support I have called hr support team mailed them as well.
Any once faced issue even after 6 months you arr not able to reapply
Hello mine cid is C9276957 after discussing salary mine candidature was closed since 4 months I have been following Accenture that we can reapply after 6 months buts it's been more than 10 months. In April 2021 mine candidature was closed.i don't know whom to reach as mine profile is not removed I am not able to reapply even using new email phone no as name and DOB is should be unique and every time getting error we have your profile in database and u are rejected. Why Accenture is not having any proper support I have called hr support team mailed them as well.
Any once faced issue even after 6 months you arr not able to reapply
The same thing happen to me also, Am really disappointed, don't know to resolve this issue because its repeated each and every time of hiring process
CID: C10214057 which suddenly closed even though I have cleared the two-level interview. I reached out to HR about this. They informed me positions were on hold in that location but I could see the multiple openings in the same location on Linked-in. I've checked with HR if possible to consider my application for the same job role.

She asked to apply for a fresh application but my application got frozen for up to 6 months.
CID:C10764355 :i successfully clear the all rounds and i received confirmation mail and call from hr that you are clear all rounds and after uploading the documents suddenly i got pop error message on the portal that my candidature is closed don't receive any communication or mail regarding my candidature closer neither hr not from Accenture team. I don't understand what we wrong as i successfully cleared all rounds. This is very dishearten that big organisations like is totally wastage of time and energy of the candidate who look the effort to clear all the rounds..

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