Address: L- Block - Ganganagar - near IIMT engineering college - Park view colony - Meerut -UP - 250001 |
This is related to Illegal installation of telecom mast in Ganganagar- meerut - Uttar Pradesh, House of MR Tewatiya in L- block.
Mr Tewatiaya possess a corner residential property of 2 floors and on the terrace he is illegally getting the installation done for the telecom mast .
We are neighbouring residents and have multiple times in the past also raised the protest for this unauthorized and illegal installation of telecom mast. Even after multiple reminders and requests made by residents, MR Tewatiya is forcibly under the influence of power and money is trying to get the installation completed during the night hours avoiding the day light work.
As you know that, it is general rule that, the Mobile Tower has to be installation 50 meters away from the residential area as the radiation eminating from the said Mobile Tower causes various effects on human body and worked as slow poison upon the human body. Therefore, various building societies are refusing to install the said Mobile Tower on their building. Hence, the said Mobile Company choosing residential areas as they know that, few people are very greedy about the money and ignorant of their effect
As per the rules it is the necessary to give structural stability certificate and drawings, building owners' agreement copy, no objection certificate from neighbors and surrounding areas and other documents has not been given and the neighbours has objection to this installation in their areas.
We therefore request you to kindly look in to the matter personally and see that the above tower is removed immediately from the above House in order to prevent further damage to the health of innocent people of the area.
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