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Yes, I also had faced same Jan 26 2022. My saving plan value was 55000 and my accumulated gold was 12.345 grams.
I thought If I take 20 grams I need to pay only left 6.765 approx. But they considered current gold rate for all 20 grams.
20 * 4590 (Yesetrday's gold rate).
Total value comes 1, 05, 720. They waieved off wastage only 10 grams. I am not sure.
I am not sure why they charging or considering current gold rate for my accumulated 12.345 grams? instead they should charge only 6.765 grams.
This is totally FRAUD and cheating. AVR GOLD saving plan is completely Fraud and cheating.
Please think and better go with GRT or TATA.
Pasupathi Was this information helpful? |
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