Billroth Hospitals — my daughter has headache and cold
from Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Feb 15, 2019
Address: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600030
My daughter had headache and cold and went to Dr.Sunderapandian ENT. He gave her a CT scan for 6.5k. after which he saw the scan and said due to deviated septum u are getting cold. Estimated 90k for the operation was given. We were ready to admit her. But thought we will get a second opinion. The other doctor saw the scan and said there is no deviated septum and no sinusitis also. It's allergies acting up and gave different course of treatment. Now she is fine and we are never going back to this doctor. Writing this so others would be aware of these type of scams.
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Extremely rude staffs Including the receptionist Mr. VIJAY who was much much worse than even the Government hospital compounders.
Would suggest HANDE hospital right next to this useless Bilroth.