[Resolved]  Airtel — Complaint for Do Not Disturb

Address: Punjab

Dear Sir,

i have been using airtel since many years..I did not leave airtel even i was on roaming for 4 years..my complaint is that i am constantly getting calls from telemarketer of Bharti Axa life insurance company regarding life insurnace plans though my number [protected] has been registered in DND service (registration number S[protected]) since 2007. i have complaint to airtel by sending COMP sms to 1909 every time i get promotional call, but it didnot not stop..whenever i filed complaint to 1909 i get a formal automatic message without any unique complaint number..i reruested airtel to provide me the complaint number but they have not provided yet.i Even complaint to appellate officer at appellate.[protected]@in.airtel.com....many times but did not get any reply yet..the following are the details of the mails exchanged between us..Now i request you to take my complaint further and do the needful...

i shall be highly obliged or the same

Complaint to airtel

dear lavanya.

i request you to go through my complaint again and try to understand my concern. i have filed many complaints regarding this in last one year but i am facing the same problem again and again..i have received many promotional calls in the month of September only for which i have filed the complaints giving all the required details.on top of that i have not received the UCC number...i have forwarded all the all the 4 reminders for the same complaints to the applattte authority punjab as well as trai...but to my surprise..you have replied my complaint in a very casual sense..

i request you to kindly understand my complaints properly and send me the UCC numbers for my all the complaints...and let me know the action taken against the mentioned telemarketer company mentioned in my complaints..

waiting for your reply'



From: [protected]@in.airtel.com
Sent: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 12:07:35
To: [protected]@rediffmail.com
Subject: Re: FOURTH REMINDER FOR COMPLAINT FOR DND FILED ON 10/09/12 AND 17/09/12 [|BAL|Qrc225091209095811129236|]
Namaste Dr Neeraj Teneja,

You wrote in on[protected], inquiring details on status of complaint registered for your concern related to receipt of promotional communication on your airtel mobile number [protected].

We understand that the mentioned episode has greatly inconvenienced you.

* We would like to inform you that your airtel mobile number has been registered with the National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) on[protected] vide unique reference number S[protected].

We understand that the unwanted promotional communication must have caused you a lot of inconvenience and wish to assure you that airtel works actively to ensure that this kind of communication is disciplined in order to provide greater comfort to all our customers.

In order to initiate an investigation into your complaint, and take appropriate penal action against the erring telemarketer(s), we would require complete details related to the Unsolicited Customer Communication (UCC) received by you within 3 days of receiving it. Please provide us with the following:

Date of receipt of promotional SMS/Call

Time of receipt of promotional SMS/Call

Brief description of the promotion

Telemarketer's SMS Sender ID / 10-digit phone number

* We would like to confirm you that we have already registered your complaint and the same has been forwarded to respective team with the Service Request number [protected]. Please be informed that our team is still working on your request. We would respond to you by[protected], 1:30 PM with an update on your complaint.

We request your kind cooperation in this regard.

Thank you so much for choosing to continue with airtel. We welcome your feedback.

Yours Sincerely,
Lavanya s
Customer Care
Bharti airtel Limited

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Your response will help us to enhance your experience with Airtel. Please click on the link below & provide us your valuable feedback on this interaction
https://ispeed.airtel.in/iVoiceFeedback/Search/EFViewerDE.aspx?info=A8EB15629BFC 0 7 B729FE8157499F9 D7091FD79D9 5 7 8 C A719AFC1C64A2E9276F91F31377888A8CF3&refno=Qrc225091209095811129236

[protected]Original Message[protected]
From: [protected]@rediffmail.com
To: [protected]@in.airtel.com
Cc: [protected]@trai.gov.in;appellate.[protected]@in.airtel.com
Sent: 25/09/2012 09:28:46 AM
Subject: Fourth reminder for Complaint for DND filed on 10/09/12 and 17/09/12


this is my 4th reminder for the request for unique complaint number for my DND
complaint.(from my airtel number [protected]).

Sir the first complaint was filed on 10/09/2012 and the 2nd complaint was filed
on 17/09/2012. i have not got the unique customer complaint number for any of
the complaint i filed till now..to follow it up i send the first reminder on
15/09/2012 and 2nd reminder for the same complaint on 17/09/2012..The 3rd
reminder was sent on Tue, 18 Sep '12 5:41pm i got auto reply saying that you
will revert in 24 hours which did not happened too..

I would like to inform you that my complaint has not been resolved till
now....I would like to draw your kind attention again towards my complaint..

on calling your customer care at [protected] on 18/09/2012 , i was informed that
none on my complaint have not been registered on your system

1. My complaint and request is to give me UNSOLICITED CUSTOMER COMMUNICATION
for my two complaints filed on 10/09/2012 and 17/09/2012 respectively

the details of the complaints are

- on 10/09/2012 at 3:25 pm sent from my mobile [protected] to 1909 {COMP TEL
NO [protected];10/09/12;15:00PM; Bharti Axa life Insurance regarding Insurance

- on 17/09/2012 at 2:35 pm sent from my mobile [protected] to 1909 {COMP
TEL NO [protected];17/09/10;35:00PM;; Bharti Axa life Insurance regarding
Insurance plans}

I got the message from 121 on[protected] at 3:35pm and on n17/09/2012 at
2:35PM stating that.."Your DND related SMS has been received. We will be
processing the sms within 24 hours and send you a service request number for it
accordingly" and

But unfortunately i have not received any service request number.or UCC
registration number.till now..

In the past also i had filed similar complaints
1. CDRGP [protected] - registered on 10/07/2012 ( i received the reply on my
mobile stating that a warning letter has been sent to UNREGISTERED TELEMARKETER)
2. CDRGP[protected] registered on 11/07/2012
3. CDRGP[protected] registered on 10/07/2012
4. CDRGP[protected] registered on 09/07/2012..

I humbly request you to kindly go through my complaint point wise point

i also request you to kindly send me the service request number at
the earliest along with the action taken against company, but i have already
filed more than 5 complaints again the UCC company before and every time i get
message saying that you have warned the company..

I request you to kindly send me the UCC registration number for both my
complaints and the action taken against the companies...

the copy of this mail has also been sent to TRAI

waiting for you reply


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Aug 13, 2020
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airtel post-paid number — receving promotonal messages after registring my number under do not disturb

i have registered my airtel post-paid number [protected] under do not disturb on 22/1/2009. its been more that 45 days but still i m receiving promotional messages and calls. I have loged a complaint in airtel but they are not helping me. so pl help me regargding this.
i m waiting for the result...this is wht we call indian consumer complaints where i havnt recvd any solution after registring my coplaint. good work done


I am shashi from Bangalore I am using Two nos of airtel One is post paid [protected], Another prepaid [protected]
1.Today at 2.28 pm when I was attending a meeting I got a call to my post paid no [protected] from a no +[protected] I couldn't answer I got call another call from +[protected] at 2.36pm same I couldn't answer
2. My nice who stays in Dubai I thought some body is trying to call me some urgency
3. A soon as I finished meeting I usually call any std r isd from my prepaid no [protected] I called above mention no+[protected]
4.Suddenly I realized this is something unwanted call I disconnected within 8 sec u know they deducted Rs.60 from balance
5.Also another no which I saved long back +[protected]

Anybody can answer my question
1. I called up airtel telling about this issue & last no I mentioned +[protected] suddenly he shouted telling about this no of some pakistan & airtel have received lot of complaints about this no
2. So airtel knows from where his(airtel) customer r being looted after we have given details
3.If we call up from airtel to nos which I have mentioned who is benefited ?
4.as we all know incoming is free & outgoing is charged
5.As I suspect airtel has hired to call his customer not frequently once in a while to earn some money
6. R else I don't think after this kind of mails so big company bharti airtel which will have guideline from trai r what ever govt thing have power to sue this nos providers r take any kind of legal action

I[censored] r not protected by u r service provider whom should we ask the country from where we get this kind of calls pl spare us for god sake

if nobody can't do anything to this then we are foolish Indians IT which supply IT to all world but they don't have solution for our own country


I am shashi from Bangalore I am using Two nos of airtel One is post paid [protected], Another prepaid [protected]
1.Today at 2.28 pm when I was attending a meeting I got a call to my post paid no [protected] from a no +[protected] I couldn't answer I got call another call from +[protected] at 2.36pm same I couldn't answer
2. My nice who stays in Dubai I thought some body is trying to call me some urgency
3. A soon as I finished meeting I usually call any std r isd from my prepaid no [protected] I called above mention no+[protected]
4.Suddenly I realized this is something unwanted call I disconnected within 8 sec u know they deducted Rs.60 from balance
5.Also another no which I saved long back +[protected]

Anybody can answer my question
1. I called up airtel telling about this issue & last no I mentioned +[protected] suddenly he shouted telling about this no of some pakistan & airtel have received lot of complaints about this no
2. So airtel knows from where his(airtel) customer r being looted after we have given details
3.If we call up from airtel to nos which I have mentioned who is benefited ?
4.as we all know incoming is free & outgoing is charged
5.As I suspect airtel has hired to call his customer not frequently once in a while to earn some money
6. R else I don't think after this kind of mails so big company bharti airtel which will have guideline from trai r what ever govt thing have power to sue this nos providers r take any kind of legal action

I[censored] r not protected by u r service provider whom should we ask the country from where we get this kind of calls pl spare us for god sake

if nobody can't do anything to this then we are foolish Indians IT which supply IT to all world but they don't have solution for our own country
Hi Team,

I am trying to register complains related DND but the "submit" button on airtel site does not work. Instead it gives me text editor " Where I wrote "text box" in place of submit button, I wanted to raise complain about getting lot of promotional calls and SMS even when I am registered to DND which is of type fully blocked. Can someone please look into it.

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