Address: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh |
Respected Sir,
We, the Non-unionized Supervisors whose numbers are about 10000 (ten thousand) out of 48000 employees of BHEL like to inform that the BHEL Management has adopted arbitrary attitude for finalization of pay structure of Supervisory cadre in respect of Executives and workers. The following points shall give you the right picture:
(i) Violation of Govt. direction: The Govt. of India has given the direction for uniform fitment benefits of 78.2% of DA and 30% weightage for fixation of pay to all categories of executives, supervisors and workers of BHEL. Accordingly, the scales of pay have been revised by the BHEL management. .
The revised pay of workers have been decided after considering the pay of efficiency bar like 4200-EB-4550 (i) +78.2% (ii) + 30% of (i) and (ii) = 10500 plus 7 and half percent. Thus their scales have been revised as[protected]+7and ½ percent.
Similarly, for executives, BHEL Management has replaced Rs. 20,600-46,500 (ET/E0) in place of Rs. 12600-32,500 (as per DPE Guidelines) (replacement scale of Rs.[protected] for E-0) and Rs. 24,900-50,500 (E-1) in place of Rs.16,400-40,500 (replacement scales of Rs.[protected] for E1) respectively and violating the govt. direction.
While for supervisors, BHEL management have replaced the scales of pay of Rs.[protected]S-0) and Rs. 12,400-30,500 in place of 5600-EB[protected] and 6000-EB[protected] respectively which makes no logic. Here it is mentioned that the said pay scale of[protected] and[protected] was given to supervisors on the recommendation of Justice Mohan committee but this committee had never recommended efficiency bar in pay to supervisors but BHEL management forced it to supervisors like JCM workers which caused huge loss to them. Further, if minimum benefits of DPE guidelines have been offered to supervisors even though in efficiency bar, their minimum pay should come
of Rs. 14,015 [Rs.6050 +4731(78.2%) +3234(30%)] and Rs. 15,718 [Rs. 6780 +5301(78.2%) +3627 (30%)] respectively. Thus, there are huge disparities of Rs.8300 (E0-S0) and Rs.12,500 (E1-S1) (almost double) in revised pay scales which has no sense. It may also be pointed out when BHEL supervisors(S-0) were getting of scales of Rs. 5600/- (minimum of pay scales), the other PSUs are offering minimum pay of supervisors of Rs.10220(ONGC),Rs. 7900(NHPC), Rs.7900(NHDC), Rs.7300 (NTPC), Rs.7300(PGCIL), Rs.7100(MTNL), Rs.7100(BSNL, formed in 2000) and Rs.7000(NHAI) respectively in pre revised scale.
(ii) Double standard: BHEL Management have adopted double standard and offered all lucrative benefits to executives and workers as they are a recognized union but they completely ignore to the supervisors for giving benefits. BHEL management had not taken the confidence of supervisory federation before sending the proposal to the Department of Heavy Industry for issuing Presidential Directives on 30th April, 2009 and took the decision one sided. From that day our federation is opposing the proposed scales of pay. Further, diploma holder who is working in Govt. of India is getting the pay in PB[protected] + Rs. 4200(grade pay) which comes around Rs.13,500/- but BHEL, being Navratna Company is giving inappropriate salary of Rs.12300/- only which has no logic whereas engineer of Govt. of India has been replaced in PB[protected] + Rs. 5400(grade pay) which comes around Rs.14,700/- but BHEL management are replacing it to Rs. 20,600/-. Again, after 1 year the pay of engineer will increase to Rs.24,900 (diff. Rs.4300) whereas the pay of supervisors will increase to Rs. 12,400 (diff. only Rs.100). The following charts will also illustrate the malafide intension of BHEL management:
New Entry Grades Mohan committee & DPE Recommendations from 1/1/1997 Scales proposed by Rao committee from
1/1/2007 Scales given by BHEL management from 1/1/2007 Remarks
(Multiple increase)
ET/E-1 6550 12600 20600 3.1 times
ST 5600 To be decided by BHEL Management 12300 2.1 times
A-3 4800 To be decided between JCM & Management 11700 2.5 times
7 ½ % of new basic pay
From the table, it is clear that there are huge disparities in the pay scales proposed by BHEL management in all the three categories. Executives and workers are getting the benefit of 3.1 times and 2.5 times respectively. Workers have also been offered 7 ½ % additional pay of revised pay while BHEL’s management offers very merely (increases only 2.1 times) to the Supervisors ignoring the guidelines issued by the Govt. of India.
(iii) Violation of fundamental rights: As per the article of 39 (d) of the constitution of India, Govt. of India directed equal work for equal pay. As per the Operational Department procedure, both Project Executives (PE)(engineers) and Project Assistant (PA, so called supervisors) are doing the almost same work and equally responsible for disposing of operational work inside the unit but BHEL Management is contradicting on the part of payment to the supervisors. The details of work of PE/PA may be seen at Annexure.
(iv) Huge difference with other PSUs: On the basis of similar nature of work of both PE (executives) and PA (supervisors), the other Public Sector Enterprises are giving reasonable pay scales to the supervisors in comparison with BHEL. It is to be noted that up to 1992 pay revision, the pay of supervisors (S1, S2, S3) of BHEL was higher than NHPC, PGCIL, NTPC, etc. but in the year of 1997 the scale of supervisor was replaced from Rs. 3000 to 5600 whereas NHPC had replaced from Rs. 2900 to 7900. Due to this, supervisors had met huge loss. However, DPE has directed, after the recommendation of Mohan Committee, that all CPSUs may follow the DPE guidelines for fixing of pay of executives and supervisors but BHEL management ignored it and increased 30% pay for executives and only 7% increased for supervisors which causes huge difference in their pay since 1992. It is also mentioned that due to performance, BHEL management has decided to change the designation of supervisors to Assistant Engineer but when it requires to give the benefits, BHEL management turned down their faces which give the picture of their dual character. The details of initial pay for supervisors in different PSUs are as under:
(Pre-revised scales)
Organisations Introductory
Scale of Diploma engineer Introductory
Scale of Degree engineer % = (diploma scale / degree scale) x 100
1. ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation) 10220 10750 95
2. NHPC(National Hydro Power Corporation) 7900 8600 92
3. NHDC(Narmada Hydro Development Corporation) 7900 8600 92
4. BEL(Bharat Electronics Limited) 6000 6550 91
5. Govt. of India 5000 6500 77
6. DMRC(Delhi Metro Rail Corporation) 6200 8500 73
7. BSNL( Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) 7100 9850 72
8. CCIL(Container Corporation of India Limited) 6200 8600 72
9. NTPC(National Thermal Power Corporation) 7300 10750 67
10. PGCIL(Power Grid Corporation of India Limited) 7300 10750 67
11. BHEL 5600 10750 52
From the table, it is clear that except BHEL the other PSUs are offering almost 70% weightage of the pay of engineers to the supervisors but in BHEL the scenario is very different even though BHEL is a Navratna company. As per the policy of Navratna company, the minimum pay of supervisors should not be less than 75% of the pay of executives as DPE is considering supervisors as a part of management and is issuing guidelines for both of them (not like workers). Also DPE has directed all CPSEs to maintain reasonable ratio of scales of pay between executives and supervisors. The relativity between the two cadres (E1:S1) has been maintained at the ratio of 1:1.33 since 1973 to 1992. But this ratio has gone up to 1:1.88 in 1997 and1:2.01 in 2007 due to only arbitrary attitude of BHEL management. The following illustration will give the right pictures:
Year Revision Starting Pay Scale for S-1 Starting Pay Scale for E-1 Ratio (%)
1973 First 540 725 1 : 1.34
1978 Second 580 775 1 : 1.33
1982 Third 800 1100 1 : 1.37
1987 Fourth 1875 2500 1 : 1.33
1992 Fifth 3000 4000 1 : 1.33
1997 Sixth 6000 10750 1 : 1.79
2000 Sixth (revised) 6000, After EB,[protected]Not treated as scale by management) 11225 1 : 1.88
2007 Seventh 12400 24900 1:2.01
We would also like to inform that due to giving additional 2 and 1/2 increment (i.e. additional 7 and ½ % as 1 increment= 3%) by BHEL Management to workers, the workers(less skill in terms of academic) are getting much higher salary than the supervisors (higher skill in terms of academic) which leads to the diminishment of the morals of supervisors. Also, it may hamp the production and detoriate the reputation of this company. A CD is enclosed for ready reference. It is also mentioned that workers are getting incentives, OTA, etc. and executives are getting extra perks and at the end both executives and workeres are getting much more salary in comparison with supervisors.
(v) Illogical revised pay scales to supervisors: BHEL management has revised pay structure for engineers (E[protected]E[protected]E[protected], for supervisors (S[protected]S[protected]S[protected] and for workers (A[protected]A[protected]A[protected]. The difference of initial pay for engineers, for supervisors and for workers are (E1-E0=4300), (E2-E1=4200), (S1-S0=100) (S2-S1=200) (A2-A1=500), (A3-A2=700) respectively. This means that if engineer gets promotion from E0 to E1 and E1 to E2, he will get the minimum benefit of Rs. 4300 and 4200 respectively. Similarly, if worker gets promotion from A1 to A2 and A2 to A3, he will get the minimum benefit of Rs. 500 and 700 respectively. But in case of supervisor gets the promotion from ST to S1 and S1 to S2, he will get the benefit of only Rs. 100 and 200
respectively which is very less and even it is less than one increment which is against the government directives.
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National Thermal Power Corporation — discrepancy in admit card
HR Manager,it is to bring to your kind notice that i had registered for the NTPC admission test. the company issued me the admit card for test on 17 April,2011. the address mentioned on the admit card is
Valley Public School,Sector-5,
Mausi Devi Complex,Near Railway Bridge,
Chandigarh-134 109,
there is such a big discrepancy in admit card that I had to suffer alot.we were outsiders from jalandhar , Punjab and had no knowledge about the city and had to undergo alot of botheration.
1. This school is not in Chandigarh but in Panchkula
2. There is no any Mausi Devi Complex instead it is Mansa Devi Complex.
even sir, the invigilator i.e. the school teacher Neelam Jaswal in Room no-10, she distributed the wrong OMR sheets. after it was filled by us, she noticed that it was wrong one. she distributed the correct ones which were already filled by students.
As per rules, nothing is to be written on OMR but she did all erasing , over-writing, use of whitener and all on the OMR and even our roll.numbers are not clearly visible. our exam started half hour late in all this mess but she was least bothered and didn't gave us any extra time for exam.
Sir, You are very well aware that this test is for our career.And this type of attitude can completely ruin our careers.
I did my test well but still I am doubtful that OMR sheets may not be declared invalid by the examiner.
kindly look into this matter.
your sincerely
akanksha [protected]