[Resolved]  Cobra Group Of International — Cheater & flirt

List of known local Cobra Group subsidiaries

1. Dreamworks Acquisition
2. JAG Group
3. Keneve Group of Companies
4. Regal Group of Companies
5. Appco S/B (Father company)
6. ESP S/B
7. Pro Enterprise (SS15 Subang Jaya)
8. Rich Marketing Group (at least this one is honest enough to put the word "marketing" lol)

Their tactics & The Truth

** Salary of RM1800-RM3000 during training and more after 6-8 months project. You won't get paid any basic salary

** Usually under the title of "Management Trainee" or "Executive Development Program". Your title is SALES PERSONNEL

** These are the same lines all Cobra Group companies use:

-- "Fresh graduates who are willing to be coached from A to Z of a company operation and hardworking- please try your luck!" Coached - Reading from same piece of paper, memorize it and tell strangers about it

-- "Promotion to Managerial positions with Regional and Overseas Career Expansion". Something like Amway's incentive tours to overseas IF you con enough people

-- "The person who think that they possess all the skills required to be a successful future manager". When they expand, they chuck you there to further con people and you will have no time for your personal life AT ALL

-- "No min working experience is required (Special on-the-job training will be provided)". They train you to talk to strangers and be beggars

** On your first day of your you will be briefed on company structure. Any AMWAY members will know this is the exact promotion structure Amway uses the moment they see it. Sales projection, get 3 leaders you become Team Leader blablabla.

** On your second day, just quit the job.

** You'll get a piece of paper on dialogues and you are expected to preach to strangers. I don't think we graduated to be beggars.

The "new" advertisement:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


** First interview will be in group interview (suspicious?)

** Second interview you will follow your "evaluator" to the field, usually in front of banks and see what they do. They will tell you "This is to test how much do you want the job" and then ask you to do the same thing: Begging & Bugging

** Third interview will be on the same day of the 2nd. You will be asked to go back by yourself to the company. WTF right?

What they slipped

** One guy used the word "downline" and "upline"

** The boss comes into the office EARLIER than everyone and leave LATER than everyone, even his secretary. Somemore he dare to use the word "TIME FREEDOM" and then say he sleep at 10.30PM.

** The structure chart. Some people who never join Amway will not see it coming because the only direct sales company to use it is Amway, and Cobra Group is applying the same thing.

** No basic pay. Tell me, which PROFESSIONAL job (as they claim) doesn't pay their employees? Like that I also wanna be the boss lar.

If you have more info of this company or companies under Cobra Group / DS-Max, add it here as they seem to be running rampant all over Jobstreet, conning degree holders from Law to Engineering fresh grads. Sadly, these people think they are doing a great job, where in fact they are earning money and being brainwashed day in day out.

From Wikipedia (Credits: Polaris)

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «QUOTE
Cobra slash DS MAX is in wikipedia, their infamous ways are well known all over the world.


One of the most common complaints about DS-Max affiliated companies is in their recruiting and advertising practices. Often the position is advertised as an "entry level management position", and claims to operate in any number of glamorous, competitive, high profile, industries ranging from pro sports and entertainment to 4 star restaurants and world travel, when in reality the position is that of a door-to-door salesperson who peddles pizza coupons, discount baseball tickets, 5 dollar umbrellas, designer knock-off hand bags, and travel alarm clocks, none of which the applicant will actually discover until they are out "in the field" with a distributor on their "second interview".

A common interviewing formula used by the independent sales offices consists of:

1. A very short first round interview conducted in the office of the manager. Typically in this interview the manager will briefly outline the structure of the business to the potential new distributor. A typical DS-Max manager will interview anywhere from 10 to 30 people a day so this first interview is usually short on detail and any prolonged question and answer sessions are avoided if possible.

2. A full day "second interview" in the sales field where the potential distributor shadows a current distributor while they attempt to sell their products or services door-to-door. This full day interview is an attempt to show the potential distributor how a typical day in the field works. This full day interview, like the first interview is purposefully vague on details and most questions are not answered fully or more difficult questions get passed on to the manager/owner to handle during the final interview. This is known within DS-MAX circles as the "Day of Observation" or the "Day of O".

3. A "final interview" takes place in the manager's office when the potential distributor returns after a full day in the field. If the applicant has any problems or objections, the manager may attempt to overturn them. If the potential distributor needs some clarification in order to understand the "big picture" of this business opportunity the manager will attempt to explain the business beyond just selling products door-to-door. The goal of every manager is to encourage the interviewee to start full time the very next day.

The name DS-Max is often used to refer to the whole distribution system that includes DS-Max USA Inc., its affiliated suppliers and independent offices. Each affiliated sales office is an independent and incorporated business.

This legal separation between the DS-Max supplying organizations and each individual office insulates DS-Max from any legal or financial liability should something happen within an individual office.

Because all sales offices are independently owned and operated each individual distributor and manager/owner reaps the rewards of and is both financially and legally responsible for his own business. The majority of all distributors work as independent contractors and thus are not paid a salary, receive no health benefits and are responsible for paying their own taxes.

The DS-Max system runs similarly to network marketing businesses but with several key differences:

1) Sales representatives (distributors) generally work full-time (often six days, 60 hours or more a week), relying on their sales for their primary source of income, rather than a slow transition from part-time to full-time.

2) The individual owner assumes the cost and advertises for new distributors and finds a mentor for them, rather than the distributor absorbing the cost of recruiting.

3) Distributors receive the products on consignment rather than paying for them up front and there is no fee for becoming a distributor.

The business only grows when new distributors are added. While DS-Max as a whole has grown quite large through the years, the vast majority of distributors and managers in affiliated distribution operations in the DS-Max system have not enjoyed success. In the 20 plus years of operation the Ds-max business model has generated some tremendous success for a small group of Vice-Presidents, or as they are referred to now, National Consultants, but the question of how many have found success in Ds-max compared to the number who have attempted to achieve success can only be answered by analyzing accurate, detailed records of these organizations and their affiliates. However the nature of their operations make it unlikely that such documentation exists.

This post has been edited by Acey: Sep 12 2006, 01:50 PM

Ido May 2 2006, 02:42 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #2


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 291
Joined: April 2006

I being con before. DS-Max. Their lousy plan is you start as trainee -> Leader -> team leader -> assistant manager -> manager. From trainee to become leader, you need to hit weekly target. Then, as leader you can start con others to be your downlines. Once you have 5 downlines promote to team leader. As team leader, you will be entitle to suck some commision from your downlines (5%) of the daily total sales.

Assistant manager is 10%. What really make money is when you become manager. DS-max is selling many thing but whatever they are selling, you earn RM 2-3 each item they sell. Mostly the manager earn RM 1000 ++ daily

FYI, manager really earn that much. Believe it. That why they are growing. The main issue is how you can become the manager. You need at least 13 - 15 downlines. Now that the hardest part. My ex uplines have been working for more than 5 years. He has been promoted as Manager before but de promoted when your men leave the team. So from there, he keep on struggling until today. Still same not making money.

The system seem great but no guarantee. People don't like walking around selling thing. So is hard to get people. My advise is you can treat it as temporary job while hunting others. My experiencee in the company was great. We penetrate a high security building e.g military kem, Maybank and many more. Chase up by the security. Sometimes the inside people may help you also. Is a fun job but making money.

That my experience for DS-max.

masterinternet May 2 2006, 02:57 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #3


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 25
Joined: April 2006

hehhe... what an experience in life... if you would like to take is as once in a lifetime experience also can...

Chase up by the security <---- this will sharpen your skill in sales and to be alert on outcome of your action. It is hard to penetrate military camp... if you could... you might have talent in sales..

This post has been edited by masterinternet: May 29 2006, 10:04 PM

Pasta Guy May 2 2006, 05:29 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #4


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 13
Joined: May 2005

QUOTE(Ido @ May 2 2006, 02:42 PM)
I being con before. DS-Max. Their lousy plan is you start as trainee -> Leader -> team leader -> assistant manager -> manager. From trainee to become leader, you need to hit weekly target. Then, as leader you can start con others to be your downlines. Once you have 5 downlines promote to team leader. As team leader, you will be entitle to suck some commision from your downlines (5%) of the daily total sales.

Assistant manager is 10%. What really make money is when you become manager. DS-max is selling many thing but whatever they are selling, you earn RM 2-3 each item they sell. Mostly the manager earn RM 1000 ++ daily

FYI, manager really earn that much. Believe it. That why they are growing. The main issue is how you can become the manager. You need at least 13 - 15 downlines. Now that the hardest part. My ex uplines have been working for more than 5 years. He has been promoted as Manager before but de promoted when your men leave the team. So from there, he keep on struggling until today. Still same not making money.

The system seem great but no guarantee. People don't like walking around selling thing. So is hard to get people. My advise is you can treat it as temporary job while hunting others. My experiencee in the company was great. We penetrate a high security building e.g military kem, Maybank and many more. Chase up by the security. Sometimes the inside people may help you also. Is a fun job but making money.

That my experience for DS-max.

Please do not upsell DS-Max here, this is exactly how they psycho people into these jobs. For example, FYI this and that manager really made 1k daily etc and etc, but that is just him, you have to be really good to be like that... blah blah blah,

Please contribute to the society and economy by giving value not preaching get rich schemes.
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


@ All
(I m here again with the same humble request )

I request too all the x-employees of COBRA dont reply any thing to this so called yadnesh wagh as observing his language & hi hi hoo ho at the end of every comment he is posting, any one can make it out easily that he is suffering from some mental disorder .

& :)

I request to all the aspirants of COBRA to read the comments of yadnesh wagh (present employee) & try to analyze what kind of culture does cobra carries . Decision to " joining or not " Cobra Group is not so difficult after reading his comments, so lots of thanks to yadnesh wagh ;)

thanx to all.

YADNESH WAGH is Miss Reena Rajpal and she addmited this thing on forum it self... you can read prev comments for that...

i also worked with velocity...thats why i know what kind of language she can uses...Reena really dont have any quality to become BDM but still she is bcoz of AMIT

really dont give any reply to YADNESH WAGH's comment bcoz she is Reena Rajpal frustrated bcoz of Amit...
hey all i have been reading all d comments on this forum for a while now, by d way i am an ex-employee or marketing agent of cobra & left it around a year back to pursue a job of my qualification, i worked wid amit baid & reena & lemme tell this to everyone that dey r not bad ppl, i was a decent hiroller in velocity & at dat time rina was jus a team leader, der r so many ppl who r talking abt rina & amit but dey themselves wud never hesitate if given a chance to [censored], secondly i think cobra is a gr8 opportunity but at d same time some of its owners r following bad practices, i remember meeting d country head tony fernandez at a rally & he was a very honest really, sai prakash is another fantastic human being, pls don't write abt anyone widout knowing dem, i[censored] have any grievances against cobra jus type dem & let d followers of cobra reply on this forum, badmouthing each other is only going to destroy d real objective of all o[censored]s writing on this forum...

U just shut ur mouth..

u r writing what they are telling you to write...

we all know abt every1...let it be sai, amit or kshitij or hiren or abhishek or tony...

so just do ur own business...
all u [censored]s..y dont u mind ur own buisness nd stop supporting or opposing the organisation man..
really such dumb [censored]s u all are
live n let live
y do u care so much who joins the group or not
let them go n find it out themselves, if they like it then good
if not let them go...who's forcing ny1 to do a job they dnt like
if they think ki unki aukaad hai kuch behtar karne ki toh try kao naa yaar
yahan aakar bakwaas likhne se naukri ya paisa nahin milega bandhu..
@ prashantwal

If those ppls r good (lets suppose)...even then our complain is about job profile,
& thats the reason u quite from cobra mentioning that it was not of your standards.

@ neutralview

Y its written on cigarette packet that its injurious for health...y not let people get injured
from drug & then learn lesson that its was bad !!!

Think over dude.
Waste company they are basically beggers for begging only u completed studies ah?

Bloody beggers !!!

Cobra what is their base salary for sales exe., ?

Is there any one from cobra to answer this question?
the job profile at cobra is not , sales or managing a sales team is a business which never goes down, if der is no basic salary its because cobra works on partnership formula where d newly promoted owner starts getting a share in d revenue which his team members r creating for d client.cobra offers enterpreneurship & not a job, some ppl join it cuz dey don't have any job in recession & when dey get s 10k job also dey quit, its not cobra but der mistake, i quit dis company cuz i was lazy & didn't have d attitude to develope a team 2nd time after losing some ppl.i quit bcoz my dad already has a business, but ppl who r looking to become enterpreneurs & ahieve something on der wn in life, this cobra is d best place, cheers...

So you do one thing go and join cobra again...as per there policy you can become BDM in 6 to 8 months so after that life will be very easy...right...

So go with good attitude ...do sales(Begging)...buid up team in 6 mothns and they will promote you as BDM...oh you know what is basic criteria to become BDM?.. dont know then ask me i know...

Youhave your dads business right...arry think with cobra you can start you own business, your dad will feel really proud about you that you started your own business without his support...

Go and join cobra and meet me on this portal after 6 months thel we will disscuss...
when we used to write our exams at school, we never used to pass even if we had 100 percent attendance, similary at cobra i[censored] lose ur attitude like me & several others then u would take longer time i[censored]r persistent, same lines were told to me during my 1st round of interview by my owner, & i think its d best answer, i am not here to upsell cobra group here but i know one thing for sure that its not a fraud company & its changed people's lives & ppl shud respond to my comments in a dignified way, then only ppl can understand truly what ppl on this forum want to convey.
@ prashantwali

Dude a positive Attitude is some thing which is required every were, at your home, surrounding, friend circle, working place... its not restricted to cobra group of companies so u cant say that u left the job because u lost attitude ... wat the crap !!!

So i think u should work upon your attitude as since school days u used to get failed (u have mentioned it).
Finally to the Job aspirants i would like to say that i[censored] have a good academic back ground never join, as its a waste of your knowledge


ya i[censored] r not much educated or dont mind listing bad words from evry one including : Watchman, House wifes, Security guards etc etc [as u have to go door to door for collecting donations for CRY, HELPage india ] then u can join...&

yes ofcource to listen all those bad words thru out the day with out any fixed salary you should have extremely good attitude :-P
cummon ppl grow up, if it is a debate then even i can ask why so many ppl join this company, if d answer that 3000 ppl working wid cobra in india r all from a bad educational background, it has to be total bullcrap, Secondaly nobody is forced to go door to door widout prior permission, pune has a lot of corporate and especially commercial areas as well, i[censored] choose marketing as ur career then ofcourse u have to be prepared for ppl disrespecting u but anyone who has done mktng bfr will actually know dat ppl who get disrespected r ppl who cannot carry themselves in a proper way, or ppl who disrespect the consumer, all these ppl on forum have worked wid cobra before, y dey liked cobra in d 1st place & started working wid dem???? the answer is only one :---> ENTERPRENEURSHIP, but over a period of time all these ppl including me realised that its not as easy as we all dreamt, at first we all loved d concept of enterpreneurship & then we did really well in d 1st stage ie sales but when it came to team building all o[censored]s including all these intellectuals on forum realised that its very difficult to manage ppl of all kinds & culture, so bcoz all o[censored]s had a gud degree we left for another secured white collar job, & now der r ppl who look back & crib that, "grapes r sour"...a lot of ppl think dat if dey couldn't achieve enterpreneurship then y shud d others get a chance, thus these posts on this forum got created, cobra is d only company which provides enterpreneurship without any capital investment from ur side, clients working wid dem r tata, reliance, cry, helpage, save d children, unicef, wwf, future group & many more, put ur brains into exercise ppl, if dis was a fraud or bad company then it means tata reliance airtel future grp all r fraud companies, just search in this forum for negative comments about any big company in india & u'll have losers writing negative on this forum, choice is urs ppl, go to d website of cobra at www.cobragroup.com or www.appcogroup.com & find out how big or small d company is for urself.be independent decision makers & don't get governed by anybody writing on this forum, its ur life & ur directly affected by ur actions, cheers...
@ prashantwali

You are happy with all this ... you just carry on with it...

don't advise other's to do the same...

just shut ur mouth ... n mind ur own business...
see ppl der r fanatics on both sides who cannot have a logical conversation, we have ppl frm both side using bad words, but when do ppl refuse to debate logically.simple...when dey dont have a valid point, so everybody visit www.cobragroup.com or www.appcogroup.com & see really how big d company is...
@ prashantwali

We all know about the cobra gruop...

we are not against it ... but ya we r against people who are taking advantage for these big comanies...

those who are giving there companies name under such a big names...

now what ever u r saying is totally illogical... understood...
n ya one more thing ... i[censored] people are really true than tell me that y u people are not transparent with ur salary thing...??????
Cobra offers profit sharing, its not a job, ppl working der r not employees but self employed, all this & all d details r written clearly in d appointment letter or agreement given to u by d owner, its also mentioned dat u don't make a salary but a profit(or loss i[censored]r a bad performer), secondaly if an owner wants then he/she can give a fixed salary to anybody after setting dem a monthly target but most of d ppl like d profit sharing module as it makes more sense & gives u performance based growth & income, i don't understand what more transparency do ppl want??
I have a message for Sidharth...
I understand how you feel, everyone in the cobra group feels the same way. But the truth is, that every day when u wake up, its like the day before. You have no life, except work. YOU are the LOSER who is doing nothing but putting in all the effort in this "business" that you call your own. You cant travel when u want, you cant even withdraw all the money you have in your account without asking your promoting owner. You SHOW that you have everythig you ever wanted but its merely a way of giving hope to the Sales Reps in your office. We all know the car you bought was second hand but NO! you wudnt tell THAT to anyone in your office. You know that you are sharing your house with 3 other people. You know that you wish sometimes that you never got involved in this and put the same amount of effort in something else that would at least keep you close to your family. You know you are recruiting ppl illegally. You know you are morally wrong when u terminate someone who is need of money but is a little disheartened by his/her performance lately, but in your eyes, hes negative. Your life is not for you, its for your FR's to see. If you buy your girlfriend something its just so you can tell your FRs the next day in morning meeting-i wonder how she must feel about that knowing what youre doing. You buy your parents a hefty gift and announce it next day at work? YOU LIVE IN A BUBBLE. I feel very sorry for you because you have been told to operate in a certain way and that how you do it, that how you will. Being your own boss is not what youre doing- you secretly know that. You are NOT your own boss.

Wat you are is definately a hard worker.

Now for the rest of you:

Cobra group is a place for people who have not had proper education. Who, otherwise, be working for very little money in a supermarket or some other respectable but low paying job BUT who have the confidence and fire to do something big in life. Who want to progress but their circumstances do not allow them to. They dont have many opportunities around them.
It is NOT for those who have degrees from renowned universities or who did well at college. Who would otherwise be working in a law firm or a bank or any other such job.

I would encourage people to join the place if you really have no better opportunity. This work requires you to have nothing but confidence and belief in yourself and if you dont have a degree...pls go for it- its probably the best thing you can do.

For those of you who have worked hard in life, have been a smart student, completed their education...pls do not fall for this trap. You have a LOT of potential and there are 100 million ways of making money. The richest people in the world are NOT ppl who are part of the COBRA group...or else we wud all be doing that. It is not for those people who have opportunities lined up. You will not know your potential if you dont do good research. You only know when you go out there and apply for job and see what the world has to offer. You can jump the ladder from b ace to top if you want to, it all depends on your hard work.
In the Cobra group they just teach you that outside world is mad. It is not the case. That itself tells us that there is SOMETHING out there they dont want us to discover.

Anything you put your heart and soul into- you will ace it.
@ Yadnesh Wagh

Teri mere baare mein recent comments logon ne padh bhi li...aur mere husband ne woh padh ke tujh pe thooka hain...

teri nautanki chaalu rakh...jab tak dum hain...

All the best... :-)

i also agree with all these complaints they are bloody rackals they cheat on people in the name of funds .i have worked for them and these collect funds for fake projects are not happenning, and they will not pay you also and make girls travel to dirty areas. plz beware of them .its better for your career.
Hi guyz... I am not in favor nor against cobra(appco group). I ahve worked here for 2-3 weeks and I have realised that its not the exact place to be in for someone who has dome some management course.

See the co. will say that they are sales and marketing co. they will also address u as human commercials, but believe me, isn't a seller in a bus a human commercial (he does much better job).

Here the sales team (management trainee's) tel every client that they are working proffesionals and are devoting some time for cry and helpage india, but its not true. some says that they r working for "sales direct india" blah blah blah...

can somebody who has worked or stil working or planning to work can give a reply to one question?

If i take you for brand "Google" as "management trainee", wont u tell the entire world that with whome you are working and what u exactly do? yes.. you will take pride in that.

But can anyone.. I challenge (to entire cobra, appco) guyz that any one cud tell their parents or friends (in starting of their job) that what excatly their job profile is / was? I hope I got my answer.

See guyz i[censored] r lying to ur friends or family, its not u r fooling them, but u r fooling urself. I[censored] r ashamed of doing somethng, I think u should not do that.

Cobra and Appco have some SBU'S with the name : "ACE", "Landmark Ads." "IRIS", "PHENIX", "VISION", "ACCENTURE" etc.

They say that u r going to be a BDM but truly saying that, don't get into such crap. I have worked here for 2-3 weeks and got them good business, I didnt get anything paid off ( I am not unhappy for myself).

See last decision is urs... wanna make or break ur future? u r smart ppl... niways all o[censored] take care and god bless.

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