My Name is Bharani Ramadasan, I work for TCS, I Had Three Credit cards from different Banks ( Standard Chartered, HSBC, Citibank) . after a stipulated time i was unable to manage these cards, as the amount of interest that was charged was way too high, so i asked for a sugesstion with the managers of the respective banks, and they sugessted for an settlement, so i paid them by cash for the decided amount . I paid around 50, 000 plus for Standard Chartered. 28000 plus for HSBC and around 20000 plus for Citibank.and they gave a acceptance letter for the same. but unfortunately i just have the letter from HSBC, apart from that i have lost the settlement letter from the other two banks.all these managers promised that there would not be any problems for me while availing loans in future, but now i see that all these credit cards is listed under my name in CIBIl as write off due to which iam unable to avail any loans, please advise me on the same, so that i can get out of this hassle.
Bharani Ramadasan Was this information helpful? |
credit cards — Who is responsible to remove my name from CIBIL, once I pay all of my dues in Credit cardas
Hi,I am ready to pay all of my due amonut on my credit Cards. If I clear all the amount , to whom I need to contact to get my name removed from CIBEl.
Who is responcible on removeing my name from CIBEL data base..Bank people or CIEBEL people?