I have been using HDFC credit card for quite a long time..with the no xxxx xxxx xxxx 8925.. due to some personal valid reasons i couldn't pay the bill for some time.. and later on i realised and ready to pay the bill and requested the bank to reverse overlimit fee which has charged for several months.. i didnt request even for late payment and finance charges.. and paid the amount of 12, 000 which is much more than my transaction amount.. but till now no reversal happened(over limit for several months).. again the bill showing around more 12, 000=00 the full amount is finance charges, late payment overlimit fee only.. please arrenge for the reversal of overlimit fee for the all months..or else arreng for the settlement of the card..
Thanks in advance .
Thanks in advance .
i am very by mistakely i sent it to you..
Credit Card — Reversal of Over Limit Charges.
Dear Sir,This is with reference to my Credit Card Statement for the period 19-JULY-2008 to 20-AUG-2008.
My Credit Card No.:- [protected]
Once again You have charged over limit fees on 21/07/08, Rs.500/- in last months statement.
But you have did the reversal of Rs.500/- only one time & again you have charged over limit fees in this months statement.
If you know my credit card limit is over, on these perticular dates, then You could have DECLINE the transaction on the same time/dates.
This is not at all acceptable to me & I would like to request to do the needful for REVERSAL of the Rs.500/-. I have been associate with ICICI BANK CREDIT CARD for last four years & I had never been charged over limit fees & How come you have charged me this time ?
Kindly do the needful for Reversal of Rs.500/- immdeatley & it shoule refelect on my account ASAP.
You may check all my last four years record for the payment, It is always on time / before time.
Looking forward for your possitive reply ASAP.Incase of any clarrification feel free to contact me on mobile no.[protected].
Nitin Shete
Mobile No.[protected]