[Resolved]  Escort Finance Ltd — Non refund of fixed deposit amount of escort finance ltd. after completion of maturity period

Had taken two numbers of fixed deposit scheme for rs. twenty thousand (ten thousand each) of escort finance ltd by cheque no. 006764 dated 08/11/2004 and receipt no. is xe02/cd04023233, a/c no xe02/0130366and xe02/cd04023226, a/c no xe02/ 0130364 on 9th november 2004 which was matured on 10th november 2005. after completion of one-year maturity period on dated 10 november 2005, i had deposited my original fixed deposit certificates at local franchise office of escort finance ltd. (patna) to mr. kajal (incharge of patna office) and taken a receiving.

After that i did constantly following up to get my refund back but they did not given me any satisfactory response. i am regularly talking to mr. rakesh dabur (incharge of f. d. department, escort finance ldt, delhi) over phone from patna to delhi by std and i had spent lots of money over phone calls and fax to delhi office as well as branch office, patna. i had also sent a letter and all the documents to delhi office but till date i have not received my refund
In the above context i would like to pay your attention that i have medical problem. i have been taking a medical treatment over a year. doctor has given me advice for surgery. my financial condition is not as better to bear the operation cost and i have already spent lots of money for the treatment of the disease.
I had also sent all the document (medical prescription, medical report, medical bill, fixed deposit certificate and receipt of payment) to escort finance ltd, reserve bank of india and hardship committe but till date i have not get my refund back.

Therefore i would request you kindly look into the matter and refund my money as soon as possible so that i can do my surgery. i will be very grateful to you for this kindness.
If you required i can send my all document.
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Hi Sir/Madam,

Subject: Regarding payment against A/C No.XE92/0102709, Rept.no. XE92/CD04000148.

I was deposited Rs. 28, 718. But company has not return my money after completed maturity period.

Sir I am suffering from high blood pressure and cardiac problem
So I have need of money for my further treatment at higher cardiac centre.

prem lata
Dear Sirs,

I have taken a FD with FRD No.XN08/01003962 for which I had been issued letters of maturity value from your agency from time to time i.e. in Dec, 2000 and subsequently in 2003. However, I did utilise the opportunity of redepositing my matured amount in to FD again in 2003 which had arrived its maturity date in 2006. The rate of Interest offered at that time was 8.5%. The re-deposit of my FD had been resorted to, only with reposition of fullest faith & trust in your esteemed organisation. Like many of my friends, I deposited the FD in original thro' a representative at Karvy Securities Limited, Uttar Pradesh with an ensorsement on my certificate"Received for Redemption".

Even today I strongly believe that there could be some element of choas & confusion of management of your customers funds which ultimately would have turned in to a debatable issue when your organisation failed to respond to the repeated requests of various victims... As, I could understand the agony of many of my fellow customers of their failure to fulfil various personal obligations due to the injustice meted to them by virtue of failure of fulfiling the commitment and shattering their dreams of having a wonderful relationship with you.

This is something unbecoming of a reputed organisation like that of Escorts Finance Limited which ultimately gives wrong signals to the customers from many corners...

I appeal to you thro' this column and mail dat the management of Escorts Finance Limited, should come out with open facts in handling the whole issue. Should there be any difficulty further, the same also could be expresed openly. The silence at times makes the things more complicated and considered as acceptance of guilt/fradulant act confessed in the referred issue...

It is once again requested that the management of Escorts Finance Limited, may respond quickly on clarifying the doubts of its customers... before establishment of the fact that some dubious elements have mismanaged the funds of its esteemed customers.

With regards.
Dear all,
I'm also suffering same as you all.In fact, I'm in much bigger problem bcoz I'm was the person who had worked as a broker for the co. with a deep faith & done business for the co.in Patna.I invested more than 20 lacs with some self investment.
Now, the position is very worst & after searching all possibilities to get back the money, I failed everywhere.You all can imagine that what the position of mine in the market.I can feel the problems of investors.And the time I also cannot recovered a single rupee even after doing a lot of communication everywhere possible.
Therefore, I request you to all, we have to get together and should reach at the H.O. once for a common complaint together with some definite answer from the co.We've to sue on the co. together for fast & immediate realization of money to the peoples in need.If anyone have any information share it with others.I.m ready to come with you all.So, lets starts in new year to hit this target successfully.

With a hope,
Akhil Bharti,
Patna ([protected])
The Hardship commitee
Escort Finance Ltd.
15/5Mathura Road

Dear Sir,
I had taken four numbers of Fixed Deposit Scheme for 1-Rs.13145& 2.Rs.13145, 3.Rs10853 &4-RS.14519, the sum of total amount of four fixed deposite Rs.51662 (RS. FIFTY ONE THOSEND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY TWO ESCORT FINANCE LTD on Maturity dated 15/06/06&16/06/06&15/06/06&30/06/06 RESPACTIVELY and Fixed Deposite No. is xn15/04011804 & xn15/04011805 and xn15/04011702 and xn15/04011806 was matured on 15/06/06 & 16/06/06 & 15/06/06 & 30/06/06 All original decument of above fixed deposite deposited in your office earlier. After completion of Near Four Year i have not received my amount, I have spent lot of money in std calls of receiving my money, But no respose given to me for your side, My Financial condition is very tuff, and my son Deepak Kumar Gulati Who Holder of your co. fixed deposite merrige is upon my headon 14th oct.-2010 on thusday, I am not able to fulfill on marrige expensive, So i request to you please return my money then i think forward my son meerige, Please return my money as soon as poosible to svae hang over of this tuffy condition
Ashok kumar gulati

I had taken three fixed deposit for Rs 29573, Rs 29573, and Rs 14786 .
The FDR nos are---XE02/CD03027260, XE02/CD03027259 and XE02/CD03027261
and there maturity dates are 06/12/2005, 06/12/2005 and 07/12/2005 respectively.
I urgently need my money back. When I went to the Escorts Finance LTD office of Patna in fraser Road, then i don't found the office there.

Sir ...please tell me that from where i would get mmy money back.
Please reply soon.Its very urgent.
Thannk you...

Escorts Finance Ltd. — Non payment of FD

My FD nos. are XE02/FD04006572 and XE02/FD04006571 amounting Rs. 50,000/- each. I have not received the principal amount even after their maturity[protected]. Why is the delay? Shall we ever get the amount back? I would like to know the immediate status? These people are not responding to the phone calls either.

Escorts Finance Ltd. — Non refund of FD after maturity

Dear Sir
Even after the maturity of two FDs nos. XE02/FD04006572 and XE02/FD04006571 in 2007, I have not received the payment. What is to be done about this?

Arun Vyas
M/s Escorts Finance Ltd,
N-6, Pratap Building,
Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110 001
Sub: Payment of Escorts Finance Fixed deposit Bonds A/c No:
1) XNO8/0021010 DTD 18.08.2000 2) XNO8/0022602 DTD30.11.2000
Dear Sir,
This is to bring your kind attention that I had purchased two Mutual Funds which was matured in the month of August and November’05. Accordingly both the certificates were sent to you through courier service. But till today I have received the redemption amount. I had received one regret letter on 12th July 2007 regarding your inability for the payment with a glimpse of hope for an early solution by the honorable High court of Delhi.
But at the behest of faith the things are not happening in favour of investors like me. Sir, at least this much of pain I can expect from your end that I can get the information by email fax or even by ordinary postal service.
This is a very tough situation and this financial return will help the investor like me who had invested money for a good return with a highly reputed company named as “ESCORTS FINANCE LIMITED”. But that investment has become a dreaded dream as after an investment of eight years even the return is not within reach.
But again this is my earnest request, I am deeply in crisis for this matured money, please send the money along with accrued interest immediately. Please send the money to my postal address (which is changed and mentioned below) with A/ c Payee checks against SBI Bank A/c No: [protected].
The bond details are
Sl Bond No: Amount Redemption date/amount
1) XNO8/0021010 DTD18.08.2000 Rs. 10000.00 12.08.05 Rs.20000=
2) XNO8/0022602 DTD30.11.2000 Rs.20000.00 29.11.05 Rs.40000=
My bank detail is : State bank of India, Savings A/c No: [protected], Branch: Vindhyanagar, Dist: Sidhi, M.P-486885
Thanking you

(Biswajit Roy)
Qtr. NO: NH-2~C 86,
P.O: Vindhyanagar, Dist: Singrauli, M.P~486885
Mob: [protected], Email add: [protected]@ntpc.co.in ; [protected]@rediffmail.com
Fax No: [protected]
Dear Sir,

I alongwith my family members have four FDR in Escorts Finance Co. Ltd. these FDR have already been matured but till date we have not received my maturity amt alongwith upto date intrest.

XN15CD[protected], 599/- 01.12.2007
XN15CD[protected], 599/- 01.12.2007
XN15CD[protected], 079/- 01.12.2007
XN15CD[protected], 277/- 08.06.2008

Inspite of my reminders / follo-ups & request with escorts finance there is no action has been taken by Co. to repay my hard earned money.

the above money have invested to use in higher studies of our childern and this was the only souce to get my daughter admitted in college otherwise she could not get the admission due to non avality of funds.

once again request you to use your good officence to get released our whole life hard earned money

your early action in this matter will be highly appreciated.


[protected], [protected]


Dear Sir,
My Fixed Deposit of Escorts Finance Limited for Rs.10559 Dated.15.03.2005 was matured on 16.03.2006. But till date I did not get any amount against it despite repeated request letter to the concern officials. My details are as below-

NAME : SEEMA BASU Nominee - Sanjay Basu

A/C NO.: XE 02/0104876

RECEIPT NO.: XE 02/CD05003322

REN OF XE 02/04009185

Kindly do needfull so that I can get the maturity amount without any further delay. It is my earnest request to you as I am in urgent need of money.


Escort Finance Limited, IN Delhi — Non Refund of Fixed Deposit Amount of Escort Finance Ltd. after completion of Maturity period

Non Refund of Fixed Deposit Amount of Escort Finance Ltd. after completion of Maturity period
had taken numbers of Fixed Deposit Scheme ESCORT FINANCE LTD which was matured in due course. After completion of maturity period in 2005, i had deposited my original fixed deposit certificates at local franchise office of Escort finance Ltd.( Jaipur) and taken a receipt.

After that I did constantly following up to get my refund back but they did not given me any satisfactory response. I am regularly talking to Mr. Rakesh Dabur (Incharge of F.D. Department, Escort Finance Ldt, Delhi) and other officers over phone from Jaipur to Delhi by STD and I had spent lots of money over phone calls and fax to Delhi office . I had also personally visited delhi office and handed over a letter alongwith all relevant papers to the concerned person sits at cannaught place office, Delhi office but till date I have not received my refund
In the above context I would like to pay your attention that I am a low salaried person and have Medical problem. I have been taking a medical treatment over a year.Doctor has given me advice for surgery. My financial condition is not as better to bear the operation cost and I have already spent lots of money for the treatment of the disease.
I had also sent all the document (Medical prescription, Medical report, Medical bill, Fixed deposit certificate and Receipt of Payment) to Escort Finance Ltd, Reserve Bank of India and Hardship Committe but till date i have not get my refund back.

Therefore I would request you kindly look into the matter and refund my money as soon as possible so that I can do my surgery. I will be very grateful to you for this kindness.
If you required i can send my all document.

Tara Nagar-A, Jhotwara, Jaipur

Escorts Finance Ltd — Non Refund of fixed deposit amount

I have deposited following amounts in fixed deposists scheme of Escorts finance Ltd,New Delhi.All FDs has already been matured but till date I have not received any amount despite several corrospondence.
ser No FDR No Amount Period
1 XN15/CD05003751 dt 21JUN05 Rs 1,18,322.00 12 Months
2 XN15/CD02019366 dt 30NOV02 Rs 20,000.00 36Months
3 XN15/CD00015443 dt 30AUG2K Rs 30,000.00 60Months
4 XN15/CD04013424 dt 24NOV04 Rs 50,000.00 24Months
MOB; [protected] ,LUCKNOW
Dear Sir,
I am your customer for this fixed deposit in ESCORT FINANCE LTD. Please send me the status of my Fixed deposit Receipt number XN02/CD04013317. As the maturity date is already over on 24/06/06, but i am unable to get my money & contact with the concernt person. So Please reply for my FD Status and when i can get my money back, on my given email id (mukesh.[protected]@ymail.com).

Please do the needful ASAP

Dhananjay pandit
Mo: [protected]
M/s Escorts Finance Ltd,
N-6, Pratap Building,
Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110 001
Sub: Payment of Escorts Finance Fixed deposit Bonds A/c No: XE05/000062 DT.[protected].

Dear Sir,
I was deposited Rs. 8095.00 But company has not return my money after completed maturity period.

request the hardship committee and Escorts Finance to consider my case and refund the amount deposited at earliest as I am need of funds back.


Gupteshwar Singh

Computer Operator
Transport Department
Vishweshwaraiya Bhawan
Bailey Road, Patna
E-mail- [protected]@rediffmail.com
I had deposited my hard earned money in two FDR’s of original value of Rs. 19000/- each on 12.4.03 for three years, which matured on 12.3.2006. Accordingly I had presented both the FDR’s to Your Jaipur office on 14.3.2006. I was told that the maturity amount of Rs.2x25289/-=Rs.50578/- will be remitted shortly.I made countless number of phone calls to company, wrote letters and also visited your office at least 10 times. At the age of 57, I am in urgent need of money for medical and other requirements. So please send my dues + interest at the earliest intimating company’se new address and contact number if there is any change.
Now on 15/6/2010 I received hardship committee letter of offer to me asking certain formalities, which I already done and sent request on 6/7/2010 to pay the maturity money+interest at the earliest. I now have a great hope from the hardship committee & eagerly waiting for the cheque.
It is again requested to kindly send my dues, I am ready to go up to any extent to get my hard earned money back which is being retained by Escort finance illegally without any fault of mine.

FDR details.
(1) ACNXN 07/21782, FDN. CDO 3001103 dated 12/4/2003 Rs.19000/-
(2) ACNXN 07/21783, FDN. CDO 3001104 dated 12/4/2003 Rs.19000/-
S.L.JAIN Ph. [protected] date 9/8/2010
Dear sir/madam ;

I am retired officer from Survey of India. I saved a amount with struggle and deposited as FD in escort finance limited for marriage of my son. The amount was approx 150000/-.I learnt that some FD's got matured In year 2005 . but i did not get a single rupee till today even afte observing all formalities..
I had sent number of letters to the escort finance office ( N-6, Partap building, connaught circus, new Delhi -110001 ) but no reply . I visited there but they are not ready to talk even.Sir, this was my hard earned money. i am really helpless nobody there to help us.I am now getting only penson, which is not sufficient to maintain..
Sir i want to ask only this " these Law and order is only for the rich people . it does not help common people . "
I would reqyuest you to take an early action.I have sent FD'S No.XnO.7/CDO3003130 DATED6.11.2003 and 3003131 dated 7.11.2003 to secretary Hardship committe c/o ESCORTS LIMITED by registered post from vaishali post office, Jaipur on 11.08.2010 as asked.
With due regards. J.C.Kapoor
Dear Sir,

About Five years back I had deposited Rs.38159/- in the Escorts Finance Co. for a period of One year. I have also deposited the original receipt at the company's office at Kapurthala, Lucknow, against proper receiving, but till the payment has not been made. I have also heard that the company is making payment. I am an old man so my money should kindly be refunded at an earliest.

The deposit details are as below :

Deposit Money : Rs. 38159/-
Maturity Amount : Rs. 41413/-
Deposit date : Rs. 27/08/2004
Maturity date : Rs. 28/08/2005
A/c No. : XN08/0026043
Deposit Receipt No . XN08/CDO4001412

I request your honour to make the payment at an earliest, for which I shall be thankful to you.

Shamsher Bahadur Singh
Village Sheikhpur Buzurg,
Post Mohan,
Distt. Unnao, (U.P.)
I have invested in fixed deposit scheme of Escorts Finance Limited on dated 04.06.2004 vide A/C no. - XE02/0060185 and XE02/0060186 (Rs 18000/- in each one) for a period of 36 months which has matured on 04.08.2007. The matured value is Rs 23471/- x 2 = Rs 46942/-. Now I do not understand how to get this matured amount because I have no contact point of Escorts Finance Limited.I will be highly oblised if anybody convey the exact status.

Yours faithfully

PIN - 484444.
although the company is paying back the money, some of fds are not paid back
ram lakhan jayaswal

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