frankfinn institute of airhostess big time fraud, and the management is big 420
They will not get good death..!!
Big money making is not frankfinn it is fraudfinn..pls dont believe their words evrything is fake!!
Big money making is not frankfinn it is fraudfinn..pls dont believe their words evrything is fake!!
My child has taken admission at Frankfinn. Respecting opinion here, I feel some control on language should be maintained. No one has got any rights to be so rude at anyone. Specially the language used here is not acceptable. I expect this website moderator to maintain some decorum and ethics in the group and such messages should be deleted. And yes I am not in any ways associated with this institute. Just that my child wanted to pursue his career in hospitality or aviation and we choose to go with Frankfinn. Specially when there are 100 other institutes in the market and we did not know which to choose from. Atleast these guys still had better reputation than many others. And lastly i feel that a student should make himself/herself capable enough to be able to get a job and not end up blaming an institute for that. If this is the same Institute that has placed 1000 other students then I am sure their curriculum isn't that bad or in-effective. Time to think on this.
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Best Buliding, 'A' Wing, 5th Floor, S.V. Road, Opposite Andheri Railway Station, Andheri(W),, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400058
Frankfinn Institute of Airhostess Training — Fraud Cases
FRaud Institute.Has Cheated it's Employees, Students, Franchisee's, All Tax Departments of Govt's i.e. Service Tax, TDS, Pension Fund, etcBeware of these Crooks
They have cheated Crore's of rupees of Innocent people of India and Abroad.