Address: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh |
Dear Sir,
I have a gas connection with Indane gas Distributor - BR Gas service ,5-50 Chandanagar, R.R District Hyderabad ( code - 125469) . Gas connection consumer No. 59087. The dealer is not accepting the booking for a second cylinder and is also unable to provide any tentative timeline by when they would be able to accept the booking request for a second cylinder . I request the concerned authorities to look in to the mater and arrange booking of gas cylinder (second) or help with some information/timelines in this regard. Due to our employment timings we are unable to get the refill of the single cylinder done immediately once it gets consumed, hence the need for the 2nd additional cylinder.
Appreciate a response .Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Bijush Was this information helpful? |
with due respect that I am subscriber of your respective oil gass service, at present local agecies M/S Reliance Gass, Near p.o. MORADABAD with conn. no. 23369.
i am holding only one gass cyilder but required onther D.B.C cylinder, in this direction so many times approach but no responce. in mean time I am going to Gass agences and
said problem then M/s told m, e pl pay Rs. 2660.00 details not given, pl give details & actual amount for DPC.
Conn. No. 23369