Dear Sir,
1- I am the comsumer of LPG gas.
2- adress is "gangoh gas agency gangoh (saharanpur) up. 243741".
3- my gas conection no. is 3459.
4- my gas delivery copy is filled. and now i need a new copy for delevery of gas.
5- but the owner of the above gas agency does not made my new copy and he demanded10000Rs
for that work.
6- he all so charges 300 Rs. for one delivery copy.
7- is the rate of delivery copy 300. he charges illegle fund from the consumer.
8- please sir help me.
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i am yhe consumer of LPG gas. my gas conection no is 3459.(mam chand s% babu ram)gangoh (saharanpur)up 247341. gas agency name is " gangoh gas agency gangoh" bypass road gangoh (saharanpur) up 247341. my gas delivery copy is filled and now i need a new gas delivery copy. but the owner of the above gas agency does not make my new copy and he is demonded 10000 rs. for that work.
i had colled him meny times but he give not any responce. he all so charges 300 rs for a copy. and collect many illegle fund from the consumer. i hope you wii do something in this matter. please sir take appropriate action aganist this gas agency very soon.