Address: Chennai, Tamil Nadu |
Sir The regulator provided with the LPG connection (long back provided now become defective - needs replacement) . i hv sent my brother for surrender of the defective regulator seeking replacement. Sree Chella Gas company in Selaiyur our dealer - they told that the consumer in whose name the gas connection is there has to come in person and collect the replacement regulator. What is this atrocity? I have sent along with my borther our ration card, Consumer deposit certificate alloting the gas, in proof of my seeking replacement. in spite of this, i was asked to come in person which i cannot - if some one is not feeling well, or out of station who cannot go in person what is the remedy?? Does the consumer has to suffer with the defective regulator and end up with an accident?? what is the remedy can any one clarify the right procedure on the subject Was this information helpful? |
regulator(indane) — about replacing regulator
Sir,I purchase my gas chulha from HARYANA GAS AGENCY,MANDI DABWALI(SIRSA),HARYANA on dated[protected]. with connection.
Now my gas regulator has not in working.I am going to agency from one month but they are asking that regulator has not available you would come next time when I have gone agency employees said me that regulators are not sent by sirsa indane gas agency and will give regulator with pipe rs 170.Is this right.Please accept my request and help me to replace regulator.
my details:
connection no- 6800
Kewel Singh
Vill. Dabwali(sirsa)