Why IOC and INDANE are rouge companies right from its inception ????? What pleassure they derive by harassing customers ????
Why their customer care managers are not sacked for failing to do what they are paid for ???
What MD of IOC is doing ???
I have received Single refill New gas connection vide consumer No:318997 from:Hanif GasAgency, Anand (Guj.) code No: 911196, 1.5 years ago. At the time of new connection delivery, I have a gas stove already, but your gas agency giving me by force gas stove and fire instrument without billing with fully over payment. I have getting only gas stove, fire instrument was not taken. In this situtation second refill is not given to me by the agent. Please do needful in this matter for solving the isuue raised by thge agent for Second refill.
Rakesh Modi
Anand Agricultural University
Anand (Gujarat)
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score. Read more
I have received Single refill New gas connection vide consumer No:318997 from:Hanif GasAgency, Anand (Guj.) code No: 911196, 1.5 years ago. At the time of new connection delivery, I have a gas stove already, but your gas agency giving me by force gas stove and fire instrument without billing with fully over payment. I have getting only gas stove, fire instrument was not taken. In this situtation second refill is not given to me by the agent. Please do needful in this matter for solving the isuue raised by thge agent for Second refill.
Rakesh Modi
Anand Agricultural University
Anand (Gujarat)