I would like to bring to your kind notice that I have a Policy with LIC vide no[protected] dt.10/02/1994.and monthly premium of Rs 162/= is being paid duly deducting from my salary account.
I hope that the above policy may likely to mature in the month of 10th, February 2010.
Accordingly I requested my employer (IOCL)Mathury stop recovery towards LIC premium from F EBRUARY 2010.
I request you to kindly confirm whether the policy has been matured let me know as early as possible.
Your Faithfully.
Arabinda kumar Mistry.
policy no[protected].
Civil maintenance,Estate office.
IOCL. Mathura Refinery.
Mathura Refinery Nagar.
UP. Was this information helpful? |
P;O Haldia Township.
Dist;- Purba Midnapur.
west Bengal.
I hope that you sent my LIC Check in time.
Thanking you.
with regards.