I am S B GAIKWAD working as a Lic Agent in Aurangababd mah Branch my branch code no is 95.
& my agency code number is 763795J. I have required user name & password for use LIC portal.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Mobile +91 [protected]
I am S B GAIKWAD working as a Lic Agent in Aurangababd mah Branch my branch code no is 95.
& my agency code number is 763795J. I have required user name & password for use LIC portal.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Mobile +91 [protected]
dear sir,
i am lic agent to dallirajhara branch and my agency code no. is 00839-38f. I requst to password to policy status are online payment.
i am lic agent to dallirajhara branch and my agency code no. is 00839-38f. I requst to password to policy status are online payment.
I am an L.I.C.I. Agent of Barasat Branch (484), Sir I don't know my portal I.D. and Password, so please you send me the same as early as possible. Thank you.
I Enrolled my policies in licindia portal. I am able to see my
policies details but i have no Email.ID and Password i want to see my policy states give me id and password / give information Regards,
I Enrolled my policies in licindia portal. I am able to see my
policies details but i have no Email.ID and Password i want to see my policy states give me id and password / give information Regards,
I'm a LIC agent & I have lost my LIC agent portal password .
My Service Br. is 419 under KMDO-1. My details given below.
CODE NO : 87966411/D
D. O. B. : 26/01/1966.
So, please send my password to my mail id.
Thank you.
I'm a LIC agent & I have lost my LIC agent portal password .
My Service Br. is 419 under KMDO-1. My details given below.
CODE NO : 87966411/D
D. O. B. : 26/01/1966.
So, please send my password to my mail id.
Thank you.
Dear Sir.
i have bn using L.I.C. Agent Portal since last 1year reularly.
but somehow i had forgotten its password .
so plz help me inthis regards...
mandar sawantdesai
agent code no 02588948
i have bn using L.I.C. Agent Portal since last 1year reularly.
but somehow i had forgotten its password .
so plz help me inthis regards...
mandar sawantdesai
agent code no 02588948
Dear Sir.
i have bn using L.I.C. Agent Portal since last 1year reularly.
but somehow i had forgotten its password .
so plz help me inthis regards...
mandar sawantdesai
agent code no 02588948
i have bn using L.I.C. Agent Portal since last 1year reularly.
but somehow i had forgotten its password .
so plz help me inthis regards...
mandar sawantdesai
agent code no 02588948
Dear Sir,
I am K.V.Sudavani, Wife of Late Sri K. Singaiah, ( D.M. Clubmember) (MDRT) LIC Agent, Code No. 27167D, Chirala Branch, Nellore Division. His Date of Appointment: 28.09.1990, and procurred 988 policies, As he was died on 06.10.2007 his agency is converted as H.R.C. on my name. To serve the Policy holders i am happy to say I got excellent support from Agency Portal for dues list, Maturity, S.B's. Thanks to your Internet support to Agents through Agent portal. But From May.2009 My Agency portal is not accepting my password, on advise from our Branch Manager, i am requesting your authorities to please activize my portal. May except early favourable support from you Sir,
Thanking you sir,
yours faithfully,
K. V. SudhaVani, code no:27167D
Mobile No. [protected]
Swarna Vil, P.O.
I am K.V.Sudavani, Wife of Late Sri K. Singaiah, ( D.M. Clubmember) (MDRT) LIC Agent, Code No. 27167D, Chirala Branch, Nellore Division. His Date of Appointment: 28.09.1990, and procurred 988 policies, As he was died on 06.10.2007 his agency is converted as H.R.C. on my name. To serve the Policy holders i am happy to say I got excellent support from Agency Portal for dues list, Maturity, S.B's. Thanks to your Internet support to Agents through Agent portal. But From May.2009 My Agency portal is not accepting my password, on advise from our Branch Manager, i am requesting your authorities to please activize my portal. May except early favourable support from you Sir,
Thanking you sir,
yours faithfully,
K. V. SudhaVani, code no:27167D
Mobile No. [protected]
Swarna Vil, P.O.
Sir Iam a impowerment agent I genrate premium collection invoices but due to technical probllem in lic branch145 it can not deposited from two days MY merchent ID CODE IS A02521145 Dharamshala branch Shimla division Kindly attetion Idont know when or after how many days Lic branch 145 master computer will be repaired So plese rimit me and allow me to collect other primiums Thankyou Arun Dogra
Sir I beg to say that I Arun Dogra have premium collection center or impowerment agent code no A02521145 Sir due to technical problem in lic 145 branch it was not not working from12/08/2009to16/08/2009 so that I cant deposite the invoices Today when LIC branch started properly Ideposited invoices collections no, s 715, 716, 717 dated17/08/2009 Ialready informed you for this system failure of lic branch 145 dharamshala Sir after deposited invoices it is not updated in your or in my account So please updated it The same problem in ID code A02094145 Iam not able to collect premium So plese do best for me THANK YOU ARUN DOGRA A02521145
Sir I beg to say that I Arun Dogra impowerment agent Merchant ID no A02521145 deposited premium collection invoice in LIC 15J Kangra branch On dated 14/08/2009 under collection no 657 But it is not updated Kindly update it THANK YOU ARUN DOGRA Merchant ID no A02521145
Sir Ibeg to say that I Vikram Guleria have primium collection center or impowerment agent MerchantID code A02094145 Sir I deposited nine premium collection invoices six(6) in 15J branch who, s collection no, s are 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663 anddeposite three(3) invoices theirs no, s are 719, 720, 721 in LIC145 branch dated 14/08/2009and dated17/08/2009 Because LIC145 branch was in technical problem since 4-5 dayas But till this time my balance ammount is not updated So kindly update it as early as possible Iwill be thank full to you VIKRAM GULERIA Merchant ID A02094145
please issue
partal ID &passward myagence code[protected] add 116/652 aditya medical store rawatpur kanpur
partal ID &passward myagence code[protected] add 116/652 aditya medical store rawatpur kanpur
Sir I beg to say that I Arun Dogra impowerment agent code no A02521145 deposited premium collection invoice no 00380361 rs 57131 dated 22/08/2009 in lic branch 145 Dharamshala and collect recipt no780 but it is not updated in my account or in my portal So kindly update it as early as possible So ican collect another premiums THANK YOY ARUN DOGRA MERCHANT ID CODE A02521145
my name is sanjay kumar my user id[protected] my password is lost plese send me password
sir i m one of lic of india agent from 92F branch
sir how can i get my login id and password for licindia web side
sir i want to enroll my policy holders record
sir how can i get my login id and password for licindia web side
sir i want to enroll my policy holders record
sir i m one of lic of india agent from 92F branch sir my agency code number is 196392F
Sir i want login id and password for licindia web then i enroll my policy holders record
Sir i want login id and password for licindia web then i enroll my policy holders record
plase give me fresh portal passward
Contact Information
LIC Portal/Website
File a Complaint
I am L.I.C.Agent Name - Vijay Tahalram Nathani
My Code is - 0050582A
Adress - B-12, Jaju Market, Near Jain Mandir, Akola
I Request you to give me Portal I.D. & Password
Thanking You.