Due to change in add. I did not receive any information regarding early redemption of the SSNL deep discount bonds. where I should send my original issued certificate by ssnl?Awaiting your early reply.
I also want to know the current status of the SSNNL DD Bonds
I am also want to know the status of case in supreme court and SSNNL DD Bond status.
Please let me know the status SSNL Bond. Is it forced to everyone to go for redemption or we can wait for the outcome of the court case?
I also hold the SSNNL deep discount bond . Shall I wait till 2014 or get redumption
I upendra hold ssnll deep discount bonds due for maturing in the year 2014 but it came know that, company redeemed, during 2009. what is the status of these bonds.
Sir, We had two SSNNL DEEP DISCOUNT BONDS BEARING FOLIO NO SN336025, SN336026 respectively. where, when and how to contact to to get my mature or redeemed money. Guide me.
kindly inform is it necessary to surrnder the deep discount bond of SSNL before 2014 or wait till that date.