[Resolved]  Standard Chartered Credit Card — standard chartered bank credit card - CONSTANT HARASSMENT FOR EXTRA MONEY FOR NO FAULT & Harrsement

i have a huge complaint against standard chartered credit cards as i had done the settlement for the credit card and closed the card about a year and half but now after these many days i get calls from the customer care depaptment to pay them the amount balance which is of about 3500 rs and when i ask them to explain why should i pay then they say that i had not settled the entire amount where in i had gone to one of the credit card branch and called the customer care dept from the phone in the branch and they confirmed that i had to pay off 15 k and my credit card will be closed and i did the same but now they come back to me to pay them more and when i told the customer care rep that i will not pay the amount she started threatening me, the customer care department for the credit cards are worst, they dont speak proper english and they dont have a good language to talk to people, they harrse people, when i asked for explaination to why they dint call me for soo many days the explanation i get from the customer care rep is she was tring to get in touch wiht my mom and get my mobile number and after that they kept calling me and i dint receive any call from them, please help me i am too tenced cause of them, please give the highest contact of the standard chartered credit card dept so that i would be able to talk to them directly and sort out this issue

Syeda Hajira
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Standard Chartered Credit Card — SMS for pyt of credit card

I am continously receiving SMS on my mobile phone that ur credit care payment for statement 03.10.08 is due on 25.10.08. Total due is Rs.28308.87...
This is to inform u that I am not holding this card at all. I had never applied for this credit card.

Standard Charter Bank — Harrashment of collection agent

Respevted Sir,

I A.Chandra Mohan S/O.A.Tirumala Rao grownup from a respected family. Arount 7yaers back I have taken Car loan around one lakh and paid EMI's promptly half of the loan repayment period. In the mean time I was fedup with my boss harrashment I complaind against him to my M.D. With response to my complaint Personnel department without notice stoped me at gate and asked me to submit resignation otherwise they will serve me termination letter. I was submitted my resignation forcebly and left Gurgaon to Hyderabad. After that I have seen worst Financial situations without job, done business honestly lost entire money what I earned. In the mean time Bank People started Threatning me by phone and using abusing word . In the year 2004 again made phone call while I am going to meet my father stating that calling fron S.P. Office and they are comming to my residencde for arrest.After lisining the news my father fell down and had head Injury slowly he expired.At that time they forced me to pay ten thousend I paid the amount. I have taken Loan fron ICICI also recently by mutuval aggrement I settled as they talked very politly and given very big amount write off because of my financial problems. Now Again on 12/11/2008 on wards bank started threatning stating that they are comming to hyderabad for collection and they will see How I wont pay the amount. Now My financial situation is very poor and I am not in a possition to pay Loan amount with Huge Intrest added by bank. I am ready for one time settlement amount as my intention is not bad. If any thing is happend to me kindly take necessary action on them. Kindly advise me.
From: Arnab Sengupta
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 11:53 AM
To: head.[protected]@in.standardchartered.com
Subject: Credit Card Harassment - CORE Complaint ID 10069

Hope YOU will at least listen, check & revert with actual information & data!!!

The same guy who abused me severely last afternoon, has called me up at least 20 times, since 09:30 today, from the same numbers!

Amazing how you allow such activities!

From: Arnab Sengupta [mailto:arnab.[protected]@intoday.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 5:24 PM
To: card.[protected]@in.standardchartered.com
Subject: RE: Continuous Harassment by Stanchart Call Center (Credits Cards)

Please note that one of your collection agent, located somewhere around ITO, in New Delhi, called me up from the telephone number +[protected].
He called my cell phone & demanded immediate payments!

When I tried to explain (as below), he started using “ABUSIVE LANGUAGE” & asked me to come with the money to ITO!

Please note that I am escalating this to CORE also.

I will be glad to immediately terminate this card account, as soon as I get a clear understanding about this fiasco.


From: Arnab Sengupta
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:57 AM
To: card.[protected]@in.standardchartered.com
Subject: Continuous Harassment by Stanchart Call Center (Credits Cards)


Kindly note that I hold a Standard Chartered bank account since 1987 & a Gold Credit card for at least 5 years now.
The card number terminates with 8944.

Every month, around this time, I receive endless calls, for clearing up dues!

As the caller refuses to “listen” and keeps on saying “please pay immediately”, I have detailed certain transactions below.

TOTAL DURING PERIOD 21, 736.57 44, 000+ Online

All statement data are from statements sent by Standard Chartered & available both in hard-copy & PDF.

I need the following clarifications, immediately:

b. IF yes, why?
c. IF NO, then why the hell do I keep getting calls from your credit-collectors, every month, without fail?
d. I am going to press “Harassment Charges” against you, IF answer to Query # a, is NO,
e. By my accounting, based on statements sent by Standard Chartered & reconciled with ICICI statements, I have made “EXCESS PAYMENTS” almost to the tune of Rs. 22, 000,
f. I will also press legal charges, so that I get regular Interest on excess payments.

I am marking copy of this mail to all my mail accounts and also to my legal adviser.

Apart from pressing charges, via CORE, I will also terminate my 20 years old banking relationship with you, if there’s any delay on this.


Arnab Sengupta,
dear sir/madam
my visa bredit card no is [protected] and his is valid through 07 2015 and i use today is shows that this card is denied can you please tell me the reason.
I am Jaya Kumar, used SCB credit card 2 years back. When I transfered to Hyderabad from Delhi, I have cleared all the amount other than loan amount which is EMI. Later also I cleared all the amounts through cheques. After One and half year SCB executive called me and told that the due is about 12000. I explained that all the things were cleared. He asked me the proof and I sent all the cheque numbers through which I paid. Later now some other executive is harassing me and asking me to settle the amount. Where I had to make complaint on this?
If they are saying cheque bounced, please ask them if they have sent a mail or letter for the cheque bounce. They should have reached out to you if their aim is to make sure you dont default and settle.

If they want to exploit more money they wouldnt have done it, if they have sent a letter ask them to give you the courier details?

Also ask them what where they doing for this long?

make sure you get letters or record phone calls if they are calling...

Credit Card — Unwanted calls from the call centre

Ref:credit card No [protected]
I have an ICICI credit card as per the number indicated above.I have made a payment which has to be paid in 6 instalments @Rs 11334.29 per month.I am regularly paying the money .For January09 also I paid the amount through cheque and I have checked my account in Axis Bank and I have seen that the amount has been debited to my account(on 5-1-09).I am getting regular calls from the call centres saying that I have not paid.Infact it has become a big nuisance to attend a dozen calls from call centres every day explaining them the position and this has been going for about three weeks.If needed I can obtain a statement from Axis Bank to prove that I have paid and sent to the offic you suggest .I have also paid my EMI for month of february in advance.Your bank has sent a notice to me charging fee for delayed payment and taking the amount paid for January as not being paid.I would like get your advice as to whom I should lodge a complaint in the ICICI Bank system about recalcitrant attitude of the concerned officers in credit card section.I would also like to mention that I do not want further calls on this topic from the call centre.
AK Krishna Kumar
Reference File No. 25/11/2008 and subsequent reference 12/08/006885/RN/CRD.

The very purpose of complaints filed with you is defeated. I request you to please read the complete file carefully once again

After going through the entire sequence of events you finally say that you were given a valid debit instruction.

It may be pointed out that the debit instruction is valid only for the time the car was rented from Enterprise. Kindly refer to the agreement from Rent a car - Enterprise - agreement number 138885 whereby the Date Time Out = 22/09/2008 09:12, Date and Time In = 23/09/2008 09:08. However the congestion charging for Transport for London - charged was for 24th september - when the car was already returned to then on 23rd September at 09.08 hours.

If such fraudulent payments are also made by you inspite o[censored]s pointing it out to you - then there is no use of you employing highly educated and efficient(????) people at your end. We will be left with no alternative but to go to court against you.

Hope you will now go through the files and study the same to arrive at the crux of the matter and get the erring party Enterprise Rent-a-car to pay up falsely charged money back to us alongwith compensation for harrassment.

Sunil Mangla

Standard Chartered Credit Card — Added insurance without approval

Dear Sir,

I am a consumer of Standard Chartered Bank.Before some years they had provided a credit card im my name.They never asked me and added an INSURANCE POLICY in my name.They do not have any proofs, since I never signed any document for this approval.Now I am a RETIRED PERSON and a the PEOPLE FROM STANDARD CHARTRED AHMEDABAD OFFICE HARRASE AND SAY BAD WORDS EVERY DAY.I ALSO VISITED THAT OFFICE BUT THEY ARE NOT REPLYING.

Asking for help.Waiting for your reply.

Standard Chartered Bank — Adding interest and other charges on credit card, without informing the customer about the arrears for 2 year

This is a bank, they never informed me or my family members about the outstanding. After 2 years, when I am settled outside India, I receive an email to pay 45K INR.

When asked for the statement, the employees are least bothred to send one, and I am chasing it up with the bank. Also, they are charging interest and other fees. Its a high time for consumers to boycot such a rip off bank.

If they can't do ethical business, then why can't this bank drop the badlls by selling their bank to a decent organisation.

Vijeth Shetty

I being the genuine customer of your bank and paying the bills regularly without receiving the statements regularly. Even after logging complaints many times the bank Credit Card Section has not taken care of the complains and they are every time charging me extra that to with interest. I will bring to your notice that the bank is not properly functioning, due to which the customers are undergoing harassments.

So I would like to inform the bank to wake up and smell the coffee and do not trouble the customers and work ethically.

Do reply to the mails.

Waiting for your positive reply…


Daniel S. Sonekar

I being the genuine customer of your bank and paying the bills regularly without receiving the statements regularly. Even after logging complaints many times the bank Credit Card Section has not taken care of the complains and they are every time charging me extra that to with interest. I will bring to your notice that the bank is not properly functioning, due to which the customers are undergoing harassments.

So I would like to inform the bank to wake up and smell the coffee and do not trouble the customers and work ethically.

Do reply to the mails.

Waiting for your positive reply…

Standard Chartered — Credit Card

Whenever I apply for credit card for any bank the bank denies my application giving reason adverse banking history, name in defaulters list etc. Till I am having 2 banks credit cards and the banks offers me upgraded credit cards what is the contraversy.

Standard Chartered Credit Cards — Even after final settelment account kept open

Dear Sir
I would like to bring in light an eye opening case regarding SCB credit cards.I had 2 SCB card long back and there was purchases in both cards.I purchased some product under there EMI scheme and other side there was wrong charges in my other card. I have been requesting the back to resolve the issue for the card and mean time I kept doing the payments in my EMI account as interest rate was high but bank was showing the money received in other account and charge me late payment fees in EMI account as they get high interest rate as well as default charges. In Nov 2005 they asked for final settelment and we agreed to pay on Rs.6630/- which I did pay.After this payment till a month ago (Feb 2009) I did not got any call or statement from bank.In Feb 2009 some one called me and asked that how much are you ready to pay and it is ok if we have not contacted you from so many years as it is a practice.I told him as per me the final settelment has been done and there are no dues on that he again asked for payment.I told him that please send me a formal letter or statements on which I will reply legally but till now nothing has come to me.I tried contacted there executives in last 15 days and they promissed me to help in 4 working days but once again no response. I have written to there international office too but to my surprise there also no reply. I don't know why bank is keeping me on ransom and not responding. I feel like cheated by the bank and don't know where to go. Please suggest what action can I take on bank?Thanks

Standard Chartared Gold Credit card — Monthly statement not being forwarded to me

My Gold Credit card number is [protected]. I am nor receiving electronic monthly staement regularly. Even though i receive iot i am nor able to view it as it is not accepting my password. please mail me the correct password and statement w.e.f. January 2009

Standard Chartered Bank — Double payment cashed

dear sir/madam,

this is kishore working in NourIndia Engineering pvt Limited as a project coordinator. My company is a telecom infra service provider in tamilnadu. My company deposits money for completing works to my account. Recently, in april month they given one cheque (3rd, april) to my account. but, due to bank mistake, the back end people of standard chartered bank entered the value twice. i have utilized the money for company(based on online banking statement). After 25 days bank people called me and put me in tension for redeposit the amount. this issue gone to my corporate office, but, in sad, they are not coperative with me to solve the issue.. may be i will lose my job due to bank's mistake. please suggest me what to do?
This is for the information of general public/customers of Standard Chartered Bank that if you people are receiving any abusive/threatening/misbehaving calls from standard chartered bank or recovery agents, then you can lodge your complaints with crime branch, delhi police on [protected]@nic.in.
Yes, I am also not happy with the attidude of customer care department.Some days ago I have asked them to stop my insurance cover/premium.After few days they are not constantly following up with some new scheme where i have to make payment of Rs.4000.00 pa on this account for one year thereafter this would be discontinued. However she is asking me confirm the verification department that i wish to accept this policy and will continue with it.She is asking me not to tell the verifying agency that i have accepted this policy is only for one year that too under compulson.

What this is going on ?? I am now thinking to close the account.

Request if i can also get the right person to whom i should contact.

I have a credit card of Standard Chartered Bank .card no.is.[protected]

on 1 st Feb.2009 somebody used card my card .amount of Rs.4323.94 transaction was Register a Company. Because the transaction made in the name of ANMOL GUPTA AND ARTI AGGARWAL .Both are in GURGAON, HARYANA.

I have never seen them, even though I dont know who are they .I am staying at MUMBAI Somebody misused my credit card no.doing online transaction in my account.

Though card was sanctioned in the month of oct.2008 since today I have never used it.

Kindly check with your end carefully and let me know. I am not going to pay whatever dues shown .
Standard Chatered did gave me reply on my 2 nd complaint .From where they
used my credite card no.? from which city they used pc.

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