refrence no. [protected]in16in
Hope YOU will at least listen, check & revert with actual information, I need the following clarifications, immediately This is reference Number: [protected]iN16iN
CREDIT CARD [protected]
Please note that I have already made full & final settlement but i did not recive NOC,
May I therefore request you to kindly send me the NOC at the earliest possible for my
refrence no. [protected]in16in
Hope YOU will at least listen, check & revert with actual information, I need the following clarifications, immediately This is reference Number: [protected]iN16iN
CREDIT CARD [protected]
Please note that I have already made full & final settlement but i did not recive NOC,
May I therefore request you to kindly send me the NOC at the earliest possible for my
Visa Credit Card — amount cleared
Dear sir,I DVRREDDY bearing card No.[protected] valid upto 10/09 has claeared my payments as per my statements of expenditures but ufortunately the payment has been delayed by netbanking and a cheque also returned back for no reasons when the account of issue is healthy with funds. I have submitted my proofs amd the previous complaints ref No. printed copies has also been submitted through my earlier complaints. But still iam shown with blance payment with late fees elevations. I once again request u to see that the Principal anount was payed fully and unnecessarrily iam been harrased with false notices for which i will be compelled to go for a consumer court, if this issue is not cleared amicably.
thamk Q
give me quick responce
Dear Sir,
I would like to draw your kind attention that as i have applied for a house loan from IDBI Bank, and as per their querry from Cibil, shows 60428/-Rs. payement is due from my end against Control No.[protected] posted on dtd.31/03/2009, Hence it is requested you to please take out my name from Cibil to settle my house loan or a NOC letter can be send by email as soon as possible. As i have not ever been applied for credit card from Standard Chartered bank.So please see into the matter on priority bases.
Really I Shall be very great ful to you.
Thanks & Warm Regards
I would like to draw your kind attention that as i have applied for a house loan from IDBI Bank, and as per their querry from Cibil, shows 60428/-Rs. payement is due from my end against Control No.[protected] posted on dtd.31/03/2009, Hence it is requested you to please take out my name from Cibil to settle my house loan or a NOC letter can be send by email as soon as possible. As i have not ever been applied for credit card from Standard Chartered bank.So please see into the matter on priority bases.
Really I Shall be very great ful to you.
Thanks & Warm Regards
Standard Chartered Bank — Harrasment AND NO REPLY.
My SCB card no.[protected]so many times I have sent mail to your SCB credit card complaints dept.but your staff is not giving answer to my questions.
1) from which pc the transaction done.?
2) From wich city the transaction made ?
3)shares are not on my name.
4)Ask them that from where they got my card no.?
5)Why your peoples are giving me haressingme.
If you read complaints on SCB card you will realise that in future nobody will use the name SCB.
As per your letter dated 18/ 06/ 2009, I have not done the transaction dated 01 /02/ 2009 amount of Rs.4323.94 Register a Company. Because the transaction made in the name of ANMOL GUPTA AND ARTI AGGARWAL .Both are in GURGAON, HARYANA.
I have never seen them, even though I don’t know who are they .I am staying at MUMBAI Somebody misused my credit card no.doing online transaction in my account.
Though card was sanctioned in the month of oct.2008 since today I have never used it.
Kindly check with your end carefully and let me know. I am not going to pay whatever dues shown by you.
This is Vijay Here. Last month i got the call from the STANDARD CHARTERED for credit card. I told my financial details. They told that i am eligible and they were agree to give the card to me.After that one STANDARD CHARTERED executive whose name was Nandeesh and whose no was [protected]. he collected the documents from me.Later i did not got the call from that bank for varification or and even i did not get any Card application status. I called 4-5 times to that executive, he was not ready to take the responsibilty.He was telling that he had submitted the documents to the bank and his has done his job. So now i have to approach to bank it seems.I did not get even the Application no also. i dont know why they want to waste our time and their time also. These STANDARD CHARTERED people are like a fraud.So dont belive on those guys.I have bad experience.
This is Vijay Here. Last month i got the call from the STANDARD CHARTERED for credit card. I told my financial details. They told that i am eligible and they were agree to give the card to me.After that one STANDARD CHARTERED executive whose name was Nandeesh and whose no was [protected]. he collected the documents from me.Later i did not got the call from that bank for varification or and even i did not get any Card application status. I called 4-5 times to that executive, he was not ready to take the responsibilty.He was telling that he had submitted the documents to the bank and his has done his job. So now i have to approach to bank it seems.I did not get even the Application no also. i dont know why they want to waste our time and their time also. These STANDARD CHARTERED people are like a fraud.So dont belive on those guys.I have bad experience.
Standard Chartered Bank is International Chindi Chor Bank. It survives on unnecessary charges from its customers. Its my practical experience.
Dear Sir,
I had settled my outstanding dues in cash against credit card no. [protected] on 22.04.09 against your letter no. NDLS26992, bearing customer no. [protected].
Recently I have started getting calls on my mobile that there is a problem and the letter no. issued by the bank is required. The calls comming also get disconnected even before you can complete the conversation.
Kindly look into the matted and revert back to me.
The collection agent who had been collecting the money from me and had handed me the letter is Tanuj and his mobile no. is [protected].
Keith Egbert
I had settled my outstanding dues in cash against credit card no. [protected] on 22.04.09 against your letter no. NDLS26992, bearing customer no. [protected].
Recently I have started getting calls on my mobile that there is a problem and the letter no. issued by the bank is required. The calls comming also get disconnected even before you can complete the conversation.
Kindly look into the matted and revert back to me.
The collection agent who had been collecting the money from me and had handed me the letter is Tanuj and his mobile no. is [protected].
Keith Egbert
Standard Chartered Credit Card — Non reversal of defaulter entry in CIBIL
TOThe Consumer Forum
I have already settled my dues pertaining to my credit card, and I sincerly request you to reverse the Defaulter entry in the CIBIL. My CREDIT CARD # [protected]
Right now I am facing a big problem as I cannot take any loan from Bank due to this .
Dr Jasbir Chauhan
I cannot agree more; they behave as if harassment is a an article of faith of their organisation. The so called customer care (there cannot be a worse misnomer than this) dept has advised me not less than three times that I have cleared my dues and my card stands cancelled; but I have again received a bill claiming their incidentals and LATE FEE to boot. This happens only because there is no internal or external ombudsman to pull up this recalcitrant attitude.
Standard Chartered Bank — harassment after 7 yrs in spite of paying in excess of my actual expenses
my wife was using a credit card which she stopped in the year 2002 november after paying 24000/- which was 6000/- excess of what she actually ought to pay.inspite of that the bank goons or so called recovery agents/officials have beeen calling in intervals of 6months, a year n now after 3 years to threaten us by sayin that we have to pay them 1.77lac rupees.when we went to the banks office in gurgaon n asked them to give us in writing whatever they said they refused to give it and asked us to come and negotiate and pay an amount to which if they agree only then will they give us a written statement saying that our name has been removed fron the defaulters wife had two more credit cards from two other banks which she stopped because of this bitter experience and one of those banks refunded the excess amount that we had in that bank.and we did not ask for refund from the other bank till now after almost 4 years.this info was just to tell that had we any bad intention we would not have stopped those two cards inspite of havin credit balance in her name.we will certainly go to any extent to seek justice come what may...coz they have also threatened us and also my aged parents.we want the law of the land to come out with such a law so tht this kind of harassmennt to innocent people is stopped in the future.we will ask for such a decision which will work as a deterrent in the future for all the scrupulous elements in the credit card divisions of all banks in india from harassing innocent people.standard chartered bank employees have also forged one cheque that i paid to them during settlement and withdrew 3000/-extra than what was originally written in the cheque.i have applied to my bank to give me the xerox copy of the cheque and once i have the copy (which the bank promised to give me in a weeks time) i will approach the banks ombudsman and if necessary the consumer court to sort out this issue and compensate me for the harassment that me and my family has been facing since the last seven years.i have all the required documents to prove my point but they arent giving me anything in written to prove that they are harassing me.but in any case i will certainly approach the concerned authority to teach all the unscrupulous elemnt in this trade a proper advice to all who read this is stop using credit cards and believe in what u have.regards...
Standard Chartered Bank Platinum Card — Harassed after refusal to pay renewal fees
Hello,I subscribed to a Standard Chartered Platinum Credit card by paying Rs. 10, 000/-. I was told by the agent giving me details that it is only a joining charge and the card is free from annual subscription following years.
End of year one, the subscription was charged in my statement. I called the online banking number and ask them to reverse the same. They asked me to pay the money in full and then approach customer service for reversal. I suspected this is a way to ensure they claim money from me. I insisted that they reverse first and i pay the dues and close the card for bank not honoring their commitments.
I was told the customer service which is responsible for reversal cannot be reached on the phone or transfered by an officer, but they have to call on their own. After leaving several requests, no one called. I started receiving calls from their collection agencies (mostly goons, starting their talk in abusive language). I managed to let them know that the bank should respond and their follow up is futile. I was threatened during these conversations by one of the bank's calling officer that the bank would put my name in Credit Information Bureau India (CIBI).
Ever since no credit card application or enhancement of my credit limit has been possible.
How do i get Standard Chartered Bank pay for the inconvenience i have had ?
Thanks and regards
The Manager,
Standard Chartered Bank,
Credit Card Division,
Ist Floor, Express Building,
9-10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002
Dear Sir,
Sub: Regarding non receipt of credit card form blue dart courier service inspite of sending them telephonic reminders.
It is to draw your attention to the fact that asper ther sms receipt by me from standard chartered, my credit card was dispatched on 7th September 2009 via blue dart courier at my office address in gurgaon. However, till date i am yet to receive the said courier from blue dart (HPT [protected]) inspite of my follow up with them at their customer care center. the ladies puts thecustomer on hold at least six seven times during the call and keeps on cahtting among themselve as can be heard by the customers too.
previouisly, the agent came to my offcie between 1 to 2 pm (lunch time) to deliver the card but as thats lunch tiem, i was out of office. Iits ridiculous to see that the agetn expects the customers to be office in lunch time. on calling them, they said that card will be delivered to me on 11.9.09 prior to lunch time (9 to 12). The same is strill awaited and on follow up they said it will be delivered tomoroow, saturday. my office remain closed on sat, so again its shameful to see their attitude.
kindly at least make sure your courier company takes care of customer and make dilivery on time or else pl change the said company.
hope to see positive reply soon.
kind regards
deepak kumer
The Manager,
Standard Chartered Bank,
Credit Card Division,
Ist Floor, Express Building,
9-10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002
Dear Sir,
Sub: Regarding non receipt of credit card form blue dart courier service inspite of sending them telephonic reminders.
It is to draw your attention to the fact that asper ther sms receipt by me from standard chartered, my credit card was dispatched on 7th September 2009 via blue dart courier at my office address in gurgaon. However, till date i am yet to receive the said courier from blue dart (HPT [protected]) inspite of my follow up with them at their customer care center. the ladies puts thecustomer on hold at least six seven times during the call and keeps on cahtting among themselve as can be heard by the customers too.
previouisly, the agent came to my offcie between 1 to 2 pm (lunch time) to deliver the card but as thats lunch tiem, i was out of office. Iits ridiculous to see that the agetn expects the customers to be office in lunch time. on calling them, they said that card will be delivered to me on 11.9.09 prior to lunch time (9 to 12). The same is strill awaited and on follow up they said it will be delivered tomoroow, saturday. my office remain closed on sat, so again its shameful to see their attitude.
kindly at least make sure your courier company takes care of customer and make dilivery on time or else pl change the said company.
hope to see positive reply soon.
kind regards
deepak kumer
House — Not clearing faults permanently LAST 5 YEARS
Dear sir,Our tel no is[protected]
having connection for the last 10 years.
For the last 5 years,every month more than 3 or 4 times telephone line is not working.
Every time we complain,they will come after 3 or 4 days or 1week and temporarily rectify the fault.
Whosever is coming to rectify are expecting money because of that reason they are not RECTIFYING FAULT PERMANENTLY.
If you want you can refer their Log book where they list fault complaints to know the history of faults in our telephone line.
Please call to our land line and check,now also line is dead,we complained 1 week before,no one has attended still.
Awaiting your favourable reply
S/O Mohamed hyrunisha Beevi
Credit Card — very rude customer advisor of your department
RESPECTED SIR/ MAM,I called up to check what is the status of my credit card and why the money is being with drawn from my a/c without notifyng me...i spoke to one advisor ..who was too rude .. name is SHIVA....i kindly requst you to make a note ,so ..we can get better customer service..and happy to speak to any customer reprensentive. in future.
standerd chatered bank
Dear sir,
i had a credit card(swapnay) with a suplymentary card no:[protected], the validity was 12/01 to 12/03.Hence I am a central govt. employee and performing transferring duty therefore, I canceled that credit card after validity covered.Then I transferred to Meghalaya.Now I am in kolkata and applied for a home lone from S.B.I tollygunge branch.But unfortunately I came to understand due to your credit report of which send to CIBIL that I have an overdue of Rs.12, 143/- against my new card no:[protected] of which I have not yet received because during that time I posted at Meghalaya.So I highly obliged you that you may closed due of Rs 12, 143/- and cut off my name from CIBIL immediately and I will never pay you that say ammount.Hence I have no SCB credit card, so you send me a no objection cirtificate/clearance cirtificate within 12 hours.Otherwise tommorrow I will go to Consumer Court and High Court kolkata and move a froght case against your concern.
Pradip Karmakar
Central Govt. Qtrs. Type III,
Flat-7, 1st floor, Graham road,
Dear sir,
i had a credit card(swapnay) with a suplymentary card no:[protected], the validity was 12/01 to 12/03.Hence I am a central govt. employee and performing transferring duty therefore, I canceled that credit card after validity covered.Then I transferred to Meghalaya.Now I am in kolkata and applied for a home lone from S.B.I tollygunge branch.But unfortunately I came to understand due to your credit report of which send to CIBIL that I have an overdue of Rs.12, 143/- against my new card no:[protected] of which I have not yet received because during that time I posted at Meghalaya.So I highly obliged you that you may closed due of Rs 12, 143/- and cut off my name from CIBIL immediately and I will never pay you that say ammount.Hence I have no SCB credit card, so you send me a no objection cirtificate/clearance cirtificate within 12 hours.Otherwise tommorrow I will go to Consumer Court and High Court kolkata and move a froght case against your concern.
Pradip Karmakar
Central Govt. Qtrs. Type III,
Flat-7, 1st floor, Graham road,
I have my own complaint against standard chartered bank.To bigin with, I got standard chartered visa classic card around 1999 I was submiting my bills regularly and after few years they gave me scb master classic also .I was paying both card fee every year and was using regularly.In year 2006 around june I lost my wallet, I compained thrice everytime a new identilty appered on phone, I requested them that I have paid all dews according to statement and as have lost my wallet kindly block my card immediately and issue me a new one.I also requested for pin number which I didnt had since long time.My repeated requests were not entertained.I even made std calls to chennai branch.Around sep 2006 I relocated myself to Tamil Nadu .One fine evening I got acall from some scbemplyee that I have to pay dews of some 10, 000/ - to the standard chartered bank.I st thing i asked her was when did they issued me a new card as they have all my address details, and when thse tranjections were done.I got the answer their was some tranjection of 500/-rupees, and card visa and master yearly fees and interest put on them.I asked that as i have contacted bank many times and i ddint got even a single reply from their side what made them call me all of sudden.The lady didnt had any answer but she insisted me to give rupees10, 000/- and then only she will close my crdit card account.I told her i wanted credit card replaced.She refused to it.Again after few days I received call from some new person that they can close my account if I pay them rupee5000/-.I said I will consult my lawyer what legal thing is to be done.As It was fault from bank side, so I sho8ld get my credit card back and not creditcard closed.I already own a credit card of some other bank with a very good limit, and my status can be checked as I am happy with that bank and bank has no complain against me.
Can anybody tell me what a customer like me can do when he is harrased for the fault which he hasnt done?
Can anybody tell me what a customer like me can do when he is harrased for the fault which he hasnt done?
Standard Chartered Credit Card — I HAVE NOT RECEIVED LOST THREE BILLS
I AM USING MASTER CARD ISSUED BY STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, SINCE LAST THREE MONTHS I AM NOT RECEIVING BILLS. KINDLY ORGANISE TO SEND DUPLICATE BILLS AGAIN.Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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+91 11 3940 4444
+91 11 6601 4444
19, Rajaji Salai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - 600001
She is the worst executive I have contacted thorugh my 50 years of career.
If really the standard chartared credit card dept. cares for the customer, then please provide some training to such like executives to learn some courtesy before talking to any customers.
Best Regards,