I had taken a personal loan from Tata Capital, Shakespeare Sarani branch, Kolkata in the year 2009. Till October2012, I .been regularly re-paying my loan to Tata Capital, by paying EMI each month, as had been decided mutually, between Tata Capital & myself.
All due EMIs & late fines, etc have been paid by me to Tata Capital, through their DSA.
On the 24th of July 2013, I received a call from Behala Police Station, informing me that a "Warrant of Arrest" had been issued against me by Tata Capital and therefore I was to appear in the said police station & take a bail (as a bailable section had been given). I immediately called up the DSA who collected the repayment EMIs from me, in order to find out what was happening suddenly & why was there an arrest warrant issued. The DSA asked me to speak to the Collection Manager Mr.Arif Ali, who informed me that, in the month's Nov & Dec 2012, as per his records, 2 of my ECS' had bounced .That is why, an arrest warrant has been issued in my name now ( even though all later payments post Dec 2012, were duly paid by me along with all the required fines,etc)
I enquired why I had not been officially informed before the issuance of an arrest warrant against me, their client. Why had Arif Ali, the Collection Manager of Kolkata Tata Capital, had not arranged to inform me about the same, before dragging my credibility to Court. Mr. Ali told me to immediately pay Rs.8 thousand to them & an amount equivalent to the total outstanding amount of 3 EMIs, right after the Rs.8000 payment. He asked me to meet him for further discussion & negotiations, in Tata Capital's office, located near Shakespeare Sarani- Loudon Street junction, on Saturday 3rd August 2013, post lunch time.
A few minutes after I spoke to Arif Ali, I received a phone call from someone called Mr.Jayanta Mondol, who said he was heading the Legal department of Tata Capital in Kolkata and he asked me to meet him at once in Park Street and make a cash payment of the entire outstanding amount ( Rs.60,000/-according to him )at one go. When I told him that I was going to meet Mr.Arif Ali and then would make all repayments required to be made, Mr. Mondol said that if I wanted to keep my present job & not land in Jail, I should make the payment to him within 2 pm that same day. Totally confused I again called up Arif Ali & when I informed him what had just been instructed to me by one Mr.Jayanta Mondol, Arif immediately assured me and put my confusion to rest, by saying that I need not listen to anyone else claiming to be calling me on Tata Capital's behalf and go ahead with whatever had been decided during my previous talks with him.
On the 3rd of August, 2013, when I reached Tata Capital office, located on Shakespeare Sarani, Mr.Arif had already left for the day. So I asked to talk to someone who could at least tell me how much amount I needed to pay to TataCapital, for foreclosing the personal loan taken. Since only 4 EMIs are left, for the full repayment of the loan, I wanted to also understand why Tata Capital had taken such a drastic step, wherein, without any intimation or correspondence, they straightaway arranged for an arrest warrant to be issued in my name. Someone who has been paying the EMIs towards loan repayment, every month, without fail, right from 2009, surely would not have any malafide intention of not repaying the remaining outstanding, which is in fact, a very small amount, in comparison to the amount already repaid by me to Tata Capital.
Contrary to the usual cooperative behaviour which I was expecting from an Organization like Tata, I was really shocked when I was met by Mr.Jayanta Mondol, who even before introducing himself asked me in the open reception area, publicly, "have you taken bail and come here?" For a self-respecting, educated lady, this sort of public humiliation, comes as a shock & in my case therefore, the same thing happened.Unable to believe what I had just experienced, I tried to explain my presence there and also that I had a couple of queries before I foreclosed the loan, once & for all. However it was soon clear that Mr. Jayanta Mondol was in no mood for "customer service" and he told me outright that since the matter was sub-judice I could not ask any questions or repay my loan till the Court so instructs. When I started to leave from there, Mr.Mondol closed the meeting room door, where I had been sitting and pulled me by my hand in a forceful attempt to stop me from leaving.He also said in a threatening tone that I should have listened to him and paid up the entire outstanding amount in cash to him.It was then that I realized I was purposely being harassed by Jayanta Mondol, that his claim of putting me behind bars & making me lose my job were just the things, he had in his mind, about me.
Feeling scared & humiliated I simply ran away from Tata Capital's office and went straight to Shakespeare Sarani Police Station, to ask for protection & assistance, which I was given by the officers stationed there at that time. After some time when I was leaving for home from the police station, I saw Jayanta Mondol & one more person who claimed being his lawyer, standing just outside the gates of the police station. They walked up to me and said that I should start getting ready to go to jail because they were being backed by Tata brand, which is far bigger an entity, than any, I could ever imagine.
For reasons unknown to me, I am suffering from mental trauma & anxiety, due to the power-trip being unfairly taken on me,byTata Capital's employees Arif Ali and Jayanta Mondol, who are looking after Collections and Legal depts in Kolkata, respectively. Even after knowing from me, that I am interested to pay all outstanding amounts of my personal loan, both these persons are refusing to :
a) inform me how much I have to repay and
b) refusing to accept any of my payments
I still have not received any communication/information from Tata Capital's end, regarding the exact amount payable by me to them, in order to complete my loan's repayment.
Whenever I am calling up or contacting Tata Capital, the personnel are either not taking my calls or are telling me that they are not aware of any such outstanding amounts in my loan account with them.
Again today an arrest warrant in my name has come to my local police station. Noone seems to be aware as to why this warrant of arrest has again been issued in my name, especially when in the last 2 weeks I have paid Tata Capital Rs.8000/- + Rs.5592/- (total Rs.13,592/-) towards loan repayment.
Perhaps only when I kill myself in order to stop being harassed & humiliated by the above-named 2 employees of Tata Capital in Kolkata, the higher management of Tata Group will realize, what injustice small clients like me, go through day after day, when their hard earned money and credibility, becomes a mere toy, in the hands of a handful of Tata employees nee goons.
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Tata Capital