[Resolved]  Voter ID CARD Tamil nadu — Non Reciept of Voter ID cards

After Three times submiting the application for the past two year s finaly my name & wife name appeared in the Tamil nadu voter list released on Jan -2009 but still bot o[censored]s yet recieve the voter ID card . Last year time we lost the oppurtunity to vote in Tamil nadu state assembly election. this time God only knows We arethe Residents of Thirumullai voiyal, Avdi, Thiruvalluar Dist. My Voter ID CPK 9364431 My Wife ID CPK 9364449. Kindly let us know how get the ID cards.
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


voter id cards — voter id cards

Sir i have done all formalities to apply for new election id card and even my family filled up the form this time .
but we have not got our voter id cards yet
my name is Ashish Agnihotri
fathers name is Kailash Agnihotri
old voter id card no. is kqf0883728
which is not at all useful
i want to see my idcard
Originally my name as well as my wife's name was appearing in the Voters list and subsequently
the same has been deleted for reasons not known. Subsequently, I have applied afresh to include
my name with the Photo ID Card provided to me during the year 2000 (for both myself and my wife).
Now, I find our name is included in the current voters list, but till date, I have not received the
Voters ID Card for both o[censored]s. WIll the old card provided earlier holds good or what is the procedure
to obtain fresh card.

K Krishnamurthy
18/1, Pathala Vinayagar Koil Street,
Chennai - 600 091
Non receipt of Voter ID Card

Sir/Mam, I have submitted my registration form for my Voter ID along with my sister. But only my sister has received the voter ID but not me. I would like to know as to why I did not get my voter ID. Also I would like to know what should I do to get my coter ID?

Jeevan Kumar
Chennai -37
please tell me, my name is included in the voter list.
I submitted my form for get a voter id card on before 4 months, still now i didnt get my identity card, but the persons who are all submitted their form with mine got their own id cards, in my local v.a.o officer did not respond properly, the date of election election of tamil nadu is soon, so i request you to pls issued my voter id quickly as possible, and one more thing is my father also applied his id he also did not get, my father's form and mine submitted at the same time, my father and myself is fresh applications, my details are given below.
s.Rabeek Raja(age 20)
s/o s.syed abuthahir
4/327, chettiyar street,
s.syed abuthahir(age 45)
s/o s.sakkarai baava
4/327 chettiyar street,
I want to see my Voters ID CARD visibility on internet.

my ID card No. DSK9457912
I applied a application for my voter id before three months, but no response from their.no acknowledgment also.

my address:
76/39, east vanniyar street,
west k.k.nagar,
I applied a application for my voter id and ration card before two months, but no response from their.no acknowledgment also.
my voter id No : JRT1810613
In Which area my Name is Listed
my name and my family members names have been included inthe voter list of 30 pallavaram assembly constituency so far we have not receivved our voter id card .where as id card hasbeen issued for the voter enrolled after our enrollment.dbl9854472-nedunchezhian
haahha my id is


i am a boy but, is thr my name is tamilselvi, but my name is tamilselvan

haha still i dont have to permisson to vote, i want to know who is voting
My Election I.D. Card No. is JQF1759109 IT WAS issued in the name of SIVAGAMI W/O.KANDASWAMY, FEMALE (46) ISSUED ON 15.02.2001. Since I was worked in Govt. Employee in Education department I had not made any vote before this time. After my retirement I went to the Election Booth first time to Poll my Vote with my I.D.Card. But, I was not able to put vote because the I.D. Given in the Voter List issued by Election Commission is not talleying with that of my I.D. It shows a male photograph and the I.D. Serial No. is TN/05/021/0111481. Becuase of these difference the Preciding Officer has not allowed to Vote.

After several screutinicing only the election commission is delivering the Voters List. After several follow-up also mistake is coming means who will be responsible for my vote and Vote like this ?

Kindly take necessary action to solve this type of Problems.

Please take serious action on the same.

Thanking you,

Yours turly,

I want to see my Voters ID CARD on internet. Can I change my photo in id. i agree for any verification but via internet.
i am from tamil nadu, what is the link for applying for voter id card here.please give the link.i wank voter card immediately because i am planning to go outside from india.how to get voter card since now i am in chattisgarh through internet?
thakn you,
arun kumaran
My name is L.Nirmala Voter ID Card No. TN/02/004/0267335 my husband Name is S.Loganathan Voter ID Card No.TN/02/004/0267057 both the Voter Cards Address No.23, Govindan Street, Choolai, Chennai - 600 112. Now we changed different house and applied on online December 2007. Verification person came to our address and given the application form. We filled and given December 2007. But till yet no response. We did not know whether ready or not yet.

We would request you please tell us what is the position now.

Thanking you,

I want to see my Voters ID CARD on internet. and my id card no:LLT3970431
My name is Mariyappan, I am from Tamil Nadu, I had applied Voter_ID past 4 years, still i din't get.All my address proof and verification certificates are clearly applied.But my area Revenue Officers and Municipality officers are did not tell me the valid reason. what i have to do. If any one knows tell me the reason. My Address is, Mariyappan S/O Chandiran, Alamelupuram(post), Pappireddipatti(taluk), Dharmapuri-636905.
Myself and my brother had submitted online application for enrollment in the voters' list. The concerned authorities have appeared physically and obtained necessary photos, signature, etc.in the month of February, 2009. In the meanwhile our names were not included in the voters' list so far. As such I request your goodself to kindly look into this application and pass necessary orders for including us in the voters' list.

The details for your varification:

1 G.M.Sankaranarayanan S/o.Moorthy, aged 24 years, residing at 14/35A. charapazhanji, Methukummal panchayat, Kulappuram village, 234 - Killiyoor Assemby Constitutency, Tamil nadu State. (Part 82 division 2) My father Moorthy's name in the voters' list at 234 - Killiyoor Assemby Constitutency, Tamil nadu State. (Part 82 division 2) sl.no. 406 Id.card No.KYR-1246297 S/o, Gurunathan aged 52, male. Door No 14/35A.

2. G.M.Krishnan, S/o.Moorthy, aged 21 years, residing at 14/35A. charapazhanji, Methukummal panchayat, Kulappuram village, 234 - Killiyoor Assemby Constitutency, Tamil nadu State. (Part 82 division 2) My father Moorthy's name in the voters' list at 234 - Killiyoor Assemby Constitutency, Tamil nadu State. (Part 82 division 2) sl.no. 406 Id.card No.KYR-1246297 S/o, Gurunathan aged 52, male. Door No 14/35A.

I request your early action.

thanking you, Sir.

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