Voter ID CARD Tamil nadu — Non-receipt of already processed voter id card

Address: 600045

Voter ID card for myself & my family members(3) were submitted on-line three years back and the same processed, approved.
But the same was not received by me/family till date.
I have followed it with Tambaram Tashildars office many times during past few years and they are saying that it was dispatched through some school teacher. When i contacted the school teacher
she had informed that our IDs were not issued to her.
Finally, we understood that it was miplaced and therefore re-issue request(1c) was made on 5.2.15 and after that also no response.

I am regularly following it with the staff at Tambaram Tashildars office but no use.
C.Ravi - IJB1904051
Vidhya - IJB1903665
Sanjay - IJB1903673
Sindhu - IJB1903814

Please take it with the concerned to issue the voter ID card to enable us to vote during the upcoming assembly election.
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Voter ID CARD Tamil nadu — card not received

my name is chiranjeevi I submit my rename form for voter id @ October but still I don't get any acknowledgement from the election comity

My Voter ID number is SXW0525949.This ID is not available.I have gone to election section office manytimes.but no mobile number is.[protected] is..Please arrange for my VOTER ID, Immidietly. My age 31
I tried 13 in years
[protected] applied to change of address in voter id, enrollment number [protected], no voter id received till date,

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