So far, so good. Emaar MGF Land is working on building a stronger response system and taking steps to address most of the complaints. While there's room for growth, their efforts show a positive trend in customer support. We hope Emaar MGF Land will keep up the work and continue to help more customers with their concerns even better 🤝
The builder who came up with a project called "ESPLANADE" in Tondiarpet, Chennai, India originally promised to build 536 flats of premium class in 24 towers of four floors each spread over an area of approximate 14 acres. Approximate cost of each flat was around 58 to 65 lacs. The original CMDA (plan) approval was also for the above said flats and towers. During the month of January 2010 they came out with an advertisement about...
I tried to book my e-ticket from Lucknow to Delhi on 05.07.09 and back on 7.7.09. After feeding all the details, your web site asks for CSC No of the credit card. I am a citibank master card holder. I could not book the tickets through internet as the CSC number was not being accepted. I contacted your customer care who advised me to talk to Citibank in this regard. The Citibank, on being contacted, confirmed that they accept transactions...
This is no a compliant but request that I received the refund order of Emaar MGF Land Limited of Rs. 25, 200/- against bid-cum application form no. 18205794. Validity of the order has expired (19.05.08) before put up to the bank. I request you to please issue a fresh refund order. Refence no. 505798, Refund order no. - 2254...
Dear sir
greeting of the day
I m the user of the post paid connection of the airtel . I m using this connection last one month but no bill generated till date and second more thing when i was taking the connection after two days my outstanding bill is Rs.868, while this is possible so i m very upset in this days.
plz take the action as soon as possible.
Dear Sir,
I had applied for IPO 20 shares of EMAAR MGF LAND LIMITED, vide Application No. 2373627 in Feb, 2008.
Chq.No. 013428 dt. 04/02/2008 drawn on HDFC Bank Ltd.,
Client ID No. 41195300
DP ID No. IN300476
However, though an amount of Rs 8014.72 has been debited from my savings account with HDFC Bank on 12/02/2008, the above Company has not refunded the amount debited after withdrawing the IPO.
The following information is hidden from other customers and is only visible to representatives of the company you are complaining about. This step is optional and can be skipped below.