This has reference to the consignment number[protected]. I have shipped Indian Spices and Sweets to Spain. I have booked one consignment with Fedex with complete description of food items along with invoice to Fedex and they have accepted my parcel and shipped to Spain . However the consignment reached to Spain and again return to India. when I complained to Fedex they said these spices are not allowed to send to Spain. My complaint to Fedex is if the Indian spices not allowed and they are aware of this situation why they have accepted my parcel and charged me for 5KG @1000 rs per KG. Even after reaching to the destination the Fedex did not informed either the sender or receiver the custom issue and sent my package back to India from Spain and even after reaching to India they did not delivered my stuff to me. This is completely monopoly of Fedex and they retaking their own decision, charging customer and not giving back the stuff to the sender. This is completely financial and mental harassment to the customer . I would want the Fedex should return all my money which I have paid during booking and also they have to pay the damages of my stuff which was couriered to Spain. I request you to kindly help me out in this regard.
Dr. Brajesh Barse
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