Order Number : 3327600ENN9725513
This order no. had 4 products in which one we had cancelled. The rest 3 pdts we had raised for refund. But the customer care informed that they would not be able to pick up so asked us to courier the same to their warehouse. So we had to go and do the booking to send the 3 items to their location. Post follow up of more than a month customer care infomed that the pdts has not been recd. by them. Again we followed up & they said it has been recd & we will refund the amount, but all in vain. We followed up again this time they said it has not been delivered to the address, please provide the ack. details. We had gone to the Post office to get the ack. copy and shared the same with them. This time again he said we will refund the amount, but they didnt. Then they informed that pdts have not reached to them. We still keep providing them by sharing the rcd. copy of the courier details. Finally they told it has not reached to their destined ware house so we will not be able to process. We informed them that we would courier back incase they can help connecting with the ware house send it back to the address. But they were reluctant to help, though that ware house was of first cry and the other 2 pdts apart from these 3 they had refunded the amount. We have gone thro' so much trauma and false commitments from the customer care, we had to go to & fro in cab and also paid for the courier of the 3 items.
Please look into this as this is not a small amount, we have also not got the amount for the courier charges, nor the cab charges which we had paid to visit the post office again and again due to their adamant customer care. Was this information helpful? |
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