I travelled on 2nd march by your Indigo flight from Pune to Bangalore (6E 409) and from Bangalore to vizag via (6E 491).
I had one checked in baggage at Pune airport which they promised will be del8vered directly to vizag. To my surprise when I got down at vizag and checked for my baggage it was not there. Your person on duty called someone and informed me that your bag is at bangalore and will be delivered by next flight. He also promised that they will deliver it to my place.
Now after 2 days and repeated follow up from my side the only answer I am getting is your bag is not traceable. This is highly irresponsible behaviour. When I asked for compensation they say only after 5 days if they cant trace will be made. What do they expect me to do for 5 days without clothes they have no answer. I asked them to compensate for buying new clothes and told them if you get my bag I will refund you money which also they refused. This only shows your how fantastic customer relationship you maintain.
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