Address: Gurgaon, Haryana | Website: |
1. I am bharat. I had made a flight reservation on 08 jun 17 to travel to bengaluru through indigo airlines. The flight details are as follows:
Flight no.: 6e 287
Pnr: ag8m5h
Dep date: 15 jun 17
Dep time: 0755h
2. I reported at the airport at boarding pass issue counter 50 min prior departure, i. E at 0705hrs. As per the ticket, the counter is closed for check in 45 min prior departure at 0710h. The counter in-charge refused to issue me a boarding pass despite reporting well in time.
3. The same airlines in bengaluru, hyderabad and some other cities have gone out of way to ensure that the passengers are issued with boarding passes and board the flight. It is noticed that the passengers were made to skip the regular queues for issuing of boarding passes.
4. Vizag airport being a small airport with comparatively less crowd, basic courtesies expected were not extended and the staff were adamant and showed no empathy towards the customers present. Almost about 13 odd passengers missed the flight. Few of them had important exams to be given which were career deciding.
5. At the ticket counter, mr malik was approached to help deserving cases but the attitude was atrocious, most inhuman and unexpected.
6. I sincerely request necessary disciplinary action be taken against the employee and i may be compensated for the cost of ticket, the time wastage and the inconvenience caused.
7. If however, i do not receive any reply/compensation i may have to go to court/media to expose your airline so that other passengers do not feel undue inconvenience in future.
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My flight details, 6E638, DEP 19:30, on 15th June.