Dear sir,
Claim ID 137827 & 137826
My parents resides from Raipur whereas I am settled in Jagdalpur. My parents were severely affected by covid in addition to that my entire family including children who were 9 & 4 years old were also affected by covid. During that time Jagdalpur was under lockdown and Raipur was worsely affected by covid. Forced by the situation, I had to urgently go to Raipur to get my parents admmited. After a lot of hustle we finally managed to get 2 beds at Shree Narayana Hospital. After two days when situation was little bit under control we intimated hospitalization of my parents on your toll free number in 17/4/2021.
My claim was rejected just because i was'nt able to apply for claim under 48 hours which is a very short span of time. It was rejected just because I was a day late, you can't even imagine the pressure I was going through at the time this is not a reason enough to reject the claim.
Medical insurance is done so that it helps in case of medical emergency. Being a jain we chose JIO but we are not getting proper response and also company had sufficient time to investigate the matter.Many times we tried to reach to JIO to resolve the issue over countless mails but there was no proper response from your side.
Please raise the issue as we were depended on the claim to settle for our needs.
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