JCTSL — regarding non availability of buses

Address: Jaipur, Rajasthan

I am a student living in suburban area of jaipur called sirsi road. Jctsl used to run 11number bus from siwar mod to goner. Many a students need that bus to reach their colleges as it was only transport available from our side. Medical patient, job workers all used this bus. But not it has been stopped by jctsl, only 2buses are working. Reason not known for thir not running. Please make again available such buses in the area reqesting on behalf of all such needy.
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9B Bus are not coming on time.we are srivev very problms.
आज लौ फ्लोर रोडवेज बस में कंडक्टर के द्वारा मेरे साथ हातापाई कि गयी, जिसमे कि कंडक्टरद्वारा टिकट मांगने पर गलती से जेब से पुराना टिकट निकल गया, उसने बिना कुछ कहे मुझसे झगड़ा शुरू कर दिया, जबकि मैनेउसे नया टिकट भी दिखा दिया था, पर वो माना नही,
मेरा नाम लवलेश गर्ग कॉलेज सुबोध कॉलेज उम्र 17 मोबाइल नंबर [protected]

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