Kerala State Electricity Board [KSEB] — Electric pole placed inside the compound wall of my residence

Address: At Nemom, Trivandrum


I, Geetha Nair, Nochil House, Studio Road, Nemom PO, Trivandrum, submit following complaint for your kind consideration and necessary action.

My house (constructed by mud), where electricity connection was provided vide consumer No.[protected], has been fully collapsed recently due to heavy rains. Thus, since there is no house in existence, I, vide my letter dated 22.9.2021 approached the KSEB Nemom Zonal Office, Nemom, Trivandrum, to disconnect the electric supply permanently and also to remove the electric post which has been placed inside the compound of my house property to facilitate the electricity supply. As required, necessary fee of Rs.354/- has also been remitted vide receipt No.0058011 dated 22.9.2021 along with my said application. Copy of my said application is attached herewith for ready reference.

However, so far, the electric post has not been removed from my residential property due to certain unwarranted objections from some quarters. Sir, my house property is very small, having only 5 cents, wherein the subject electric post has been placed. It may be mentioned here that 3 other connections to neighbouring houses have also been supplied from the subject post. This was done long years back, when there were not enough public roads and electric poles available nearby. However, presently the condition has been changed and there are enough public roads/lanes/by-lanes as well as electric poles available in the surrounding areas of these neoghbouring houses in question. Hence, Sir, you may kindly appreciate that my private residential property cannot be utilized forever for the purpose of facilitating electric connections to others, in the manner as stated above. Moreover, the subject pole is causing hindrances in fully utilizing my residential land. It is also most dangerous because live and naked electric lines are passing overhead to my house land.

Under the aforesaid facts and circumstances, I request your honour to kindly take necessary steps to immediately remove the subject electric post from my residential land at the earliest possible, so as to enable me to utilize my too small residential land property freely and fully.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(Geetha Nair )
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