I am a subscriber of magzter for the past few years and i have always subscribed for it directly through their website. I read magzter on their app on my ipad. My subscription was due for renewal on july 23, 2019. While i was thinking to subscribe for the next year i was shocked to see my magzter subscription activated for another year through auto renewal via my itunes which i had never opted for. The subscription according to their website is rs. 999 but these guys have deducted rs.4000 for the same.
I have written to their [protected]@magzter.com email to kindly cancel my subscription and refund my amount but they are not doing it giving some lame excuse that they can’t refund something which has been paid through itunes.
I never knew they had such a bad customer care. I at any cost want my subscription cancelled and get the amount refunded. Was this information helpful? |
We understand that you are not satisfied with the response provided by our support desk.
We would like to inform you that all subscriptions purchased through Magzter are renewed automatically by our system unless it is cancelled.
Also, you will receive an email notification from Apple when the subscription is due for renewal.
Please be informed that whenever you make any purchases on Magzter through your iOS devices, all payments and renewals are processed by Apple.
Therefore we will not be able to cancel and refund this renewal from our end as we do not have access to the iTunes payment gateway.
Please get in touch with the Apple support and they will help you with the refund process.
If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by Apple, please write back to us and we will help you further.
Team Magzter.