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Address: Chennai, Tamil Nadu |
Address: Mumbai City, Maharashtra |
Address: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh |
Address: Surat, Gujarat |
Address: New Delhi, Delhi |
Address: New Delhi, Delhi |
Address: Maharashtra |
Address: Nicobar, Andaman and Nicobar Islands |
Address: Delhi |
Microsoft India, few days ago announced ‘Windows, My Safe PC’ campaign. The campaign is focused on providing a suite of free and comprehensive software , Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3), Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE), Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) through channels easily accessible to consumers, and is aimed at ensuring a safe and secure computing experience for PC consumers across India.
To ensure that consumer...
Microsoft India recently announced the launch of a new consumer-led education and enforcement initiative called ‘Consumer Action Day.’
Microsoft says it has received several complaints from alert consumers who had unknowingly purchased unlicensed software and found it riddled with viruses or malware. The move aims to protect consumers from the risks of pirated software and to empower consumers to report instances...
Address: Karnataka |