Purchased but no diamonds xredited to my ML account ID[protected], Sept 30 20021
Below.are.purchsed diamonds but no diamonds.credifed.to my ID
Your payment of P49.00 to Google has been successfully processed on[protected]:26:36 AM. Ref. No.[protected] Visit https://go.gcash.com/onlinepurchase for more information.
Your payment of P49.00 to Google has been successfully processed on[protected]:26:27 AM. Ref. No.[protected] Visit https://go.gcash.com/onlinepurchase for more information.
Your P49.00 refund request for Google has been successfully processed on[protected]:26:41 AM. Ref. No.[protected]
Tap https://gcashapp.page.link/gcredit to check if you can enable GCredit, your always-ready credit line, as backup for your future online payments with GCash. Was this information helpful? |
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