Address: 26, Bhooleshwar society, khokhra, maninagar east, Ahmedabad, Gujarat |
We use your machine at Medicell The Chemist Store, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
[22/03, 5:35 pm] : CARD SALE APPROVED INR 3, 030.00 at TID MS884327, userId [protected] MEDICELL THE C on 12/03/21 with card ending 1181, RR#[protected], Auth#001754.
[22/03, 5:36 pm]
: CARD SALE APPROVED INR 1, 311.00 at TID MS884327, userId [protected] MEDICELL THE C on 12/03/21 with card ending 3773, RR#[protected], Auth#068391.