Address: BARKHEDA-CHANDALAI toll plaza |
1. I am AXXX, working in MXX and am presently posted in KXXXX. I am writing this complaint to make you aware of the utter disrespect shown towards a soldier by a toll plaza staff. Since the inception of the toll system on the Indian highways, it is a matter which has been circulating in the uniform circles with a pinch of salt, to which I too became a victim.
2. On 24 Apr 2022, I was returning to my work place in KXXXX, travelling from DXXXXX in my personal car, HR(X)8(x)13(x)(x). At around 1745 hours, I reached the BARKHEDA-CHANDALAI toll plaza, which is approximately 30.5 km from Jaipur, towards KXXXX. As is the procedure and as a norm which I had been following while crossing all the toll plazas till date, I displayed my identity card from inside of my vehicle towards the person sitting in the toll booth. The individual indicated to me that it will not work like this and I will have to show and display the card in the camera. To this, I tried to make him understand that I can not show the identity card in the camera as it is not allowed and prohibited by MY organisation through its various instructions to the all ranks of the organization.
3. The gentleman in the booth started blabbering something and would not open the barrier. I waited for around 20 minutes in vain for the barrier to go up. At around 1810 hours, I called up the customer care number of the NHAI and complaint about the incident. I was shocked that even after the assurance of Mr Lalit Gupta (the customer care executive) twice, nothing happened and no duty manager ( of the toll plaza came to resolve the issue even when he was standing nearby and knew about the incident). After around 07 minutes I again called up the customer care number to enquire if my complaint has been registered and if something will happen to take me out of this embarrassing situation. Then, I came to know that a complaint by the number 5751341 has been registered and the manager has been informed and he would attend to me shortly.
4. In the meanwhile, following had happened:-
a. Lane number 02, where I was standing was blocked from behind by a drum, perhaps so that I could not try my luck in some other lane(photograph attached).
b. An employee (NOT THE MANAGER) of the Toll Plaza came to me and asked for my Identity Card. When I showed him the card, he too told me to flash it in front of the camera. I refused to it and he vanished.
c. Another employee from Lane number 03 came to see and check the Identity Card and the same sequence of events happened as mentioned in above sub para.
d. I again called up the customer care executive to help me out of this situation, but to no avail.
e. All the employees (including the MANAGER in peach civil shirt and blue trouser jeans) stood near Lane number 02 and enjoyed their evening tea (photograph attached) showing complete disregards to a situation in front of them, wherein a gazetted officer and a 75 years old lady were kept stranded for an UNLAWFUL DEMAND which is in principle prohibited by the organisation I serve.
5. It was almost 35 minutes that I was kept waiting and standing at the Toll Plaza and nothing was moving even after 03 calls to the customer care center and after displaying my Identity Card to 03 different persons of the same Toll. In between at around 1825 hours, the MANAGER too came and spoke to me but would not instruct the barrier open. Then I thought to take the next step and I called up the EMERGENCY NUMBER -112 AND REQUESTED FOR PCR INTERVENTION. Within 05 minutes, a POLICE official called me up and told me to connect him to any of the Toll Plaza staff. He had perhaps contacted them before as well because he asked me if I have not been released yet, to which I replied in negative. I made him speak with the MANAGER (the guy in peach civil shirt and blue trouser jeans), who after making me display my Identity Card for the FIFTH TIME IN THE SAME FASHION, told the attending booth person at Lane number 02 (photograph attached) to let me go at around 1840 hours, after almost 55 minutes when I entered the Toll Plaza.
6. By writing to you, I am not seeking any kind of apology at your end rather, I would request you to take the strongest possible action against all those who were present on duty and were involved in the incident, ESPECIALLY THE MANAGER who knew everything yet, HE CHOSE TO TROUBLE ME AND DEFY WHAT WAS LEGAL, ETHICAL AND LOGICAL (photographs attached). This, according to me is not merely a case of making a soldier keep standing for almost an hour for nothing rather, is a clear case of DEFIANCE OF GOVERNMENT ORDERS, BRUTAL BEHAVIOUR AND ROWDINESS for NO REASON AT ALL (THE BOOTH GUY WHILE OPENING THE BARRIER FINALLY AT 1840 hours CAN BE SEEN STATING 'HERE NO AUTHORITY WORKS BUT OURS'). A strict disciplinary enquiry may please be initiated to find out the reason for such ANTI-NATIONAL fervor by a group of hooligans, in which the angle of involvement with the enemy country must be ventured as these people perhaps have been troubling other soldiers too.
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