New India Assurance — re:more deduction while reimbursement of money
from Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Jan 14, 2018
Address: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, 221005
With the reference of policy no[protected] of my car, i would like to inform you that this was zero depreciation car insurance policy. The total amount paid by me to car workshop was approximately rupees 20, 600. While i received through reimbursement only rupees 17, 097. So i am requesting you to please tell me that why rupees 3500 are deducted. As i know file charges remains approximately rupees 1000. Kindly tell me the exact deduction.
Chatter deep singh veh no pb 02 by 9212 Alto lxi policy no[protected]. Respected sir I had taken claim before 2 months in amritsar punjab office.. Your officer Ajay kapoor is not clearing the file.. I hope you will take action as soon as.
Yours faithfully
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Yours faithfully