Omaxe — Drainage problem in Omaxe Sector 43 Faridabad HR

Address: 001 Baverly Towers, Omaxe Hills 2, Sector 43 Faridabad, HR

A water drainage in Baverly Tower of Omaxe hill2 in Sector 43 Faridabad HR has been raised with the RW members and maintenance official but they denied a permanent solution for the drainage water spilling on the children play area. This is great concerns for the children coming to play there as ware logging in the ground will lead to many mosquito born disease. Surprise to know that it will kind of minor repair work but the maintenance can not do it. Difficult to understand what the maintenance money is being used for. Can I get a solution for this. Is Omaxe being a big institution put some effort to improvise the maintenance of its building /Towers.
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