When it comes to lending money, no one wants to see late payments or default in repayment. To minimize the risk of the same, they try to impose heavy charges for late payments. These charges help their users to pay the bill on time.
If you are taking any type of loan, please be sure to pay the entire amount a few days before the due date because sometimes payment cannot process on the same day.
They already mentioned the entire charges in their app with 18% GST. For ₹500-₹1000 they will charge ₹100 rupees as a late fee with 18% GST. It should be ₹118 as per their terms and conditions.
The last thing you need to understand is late payment charges are not a service fee but a fine. Please read the entire terms and condtions before applying for any loan or services.
If you are taking any type of loan, please be sure to pay the entire amount a few days before the due date because sometimes payment cannot process on the same day.
They already mentioned the entire charges in their app with 18% GST. For ₹500-₹1000 they will charge ₹100 rupees as a late fee with 18% GST. It should be ₹118 as per their terms and conditions.
The last thing you need to understand is late payment charges are not a service fee but a fine. Please read the entire terms and condtions before applying for any loan or services.
If you are taking any type of loan, please be sure to pay the entire amount a few days before the due date because sometimes payment cannot process on the same day.
They already mentioned the entire charges in their app with 18% GST. For ₹500-₹1000 they will charge ₹100 rupees as a late fee with 18% GST. It should be ₹118 as per their terms and conditions.
The last thing you need to understand is late payment charges are not a service fee but a fine. Please read the entire terms and condtions before applying for any loan or services.