Address: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh |
On 23rd July at 6:45 PM, my wife got admitted to Rainbow hospital in Banjara hills. She delivered a baby at 7:06 PM and it was a normal delivery. As everything was normal, the doctor advised to take a discharge the next day, i.e. 24th July.
To get the discharge, I went down to settle the bill. Here are some facts as narrated by Mr. Siva from Rainbow.
1. Offered two days package which amounted to Rs 60 thousand.
2. Even if everything is ok, and I get a discharge in one day, the package amount need to be paid.
3. The break up of the package and the actual expense incurred cannot be divulged.
4. The amount (Fee) paid to the doctors cannot be divulged.
5. The package seems to have designed in consultation with insurance company (Note: I have insurance cover)
Interestingly, the insurance cover was for Rs 30 thousand. Everything normal and still the I was made to pay Rs 33 thousand from my pocket because of the package.
More importantly, if in case the stay is extended by one day, Rainbow hospital expects to pay for 2 days even if it is not fully utilized.
Sir, this is a cheating case as they resisted divulging the details and giving the break up.
If you notice the collusion between insurance company and the hospital, even the most normal case is not getting covered, not because of expenses but the way they have designed the whole thing.
My questions.
1. Why Rainbow hospital did not have one day package?
2. Why a package is designed for necessities of life i.e. health keeping the interests of hospital and insurance company?
3. Where is the interest of patient kept in mind?
I request you to take action or guide me to take it up with authority which can help stop such illegal practices.
Kind Regards,
Abhishek. Was this information helpful? |
They are throwing file becoz of 15 min late what if they delay, when we are early they make us to sit for more than 2 hours is this the way they behave